Naive New Beaters, Jul… The musical releases of the week

Naive New Beaters Jul The musical releases of the week

With the arrival of the weekend, that of the playlist of the new releases of the week!

Stop everything, this time it’s it: spring has arrived and with it, finally, the sun! On this exceptional occasion, special playlist to dance all weekend (and to vote in the European elections on Sunday), with the brand new album by Naive New Beaters, called FVTVRVMbut also the single from the troublemaker Julien Granel, Sunlightor Updatethe new record by Marseille rapper Jul.

We end this playlist with another single, that of Barbara Pravi La Pieva and a record, that of L’Impératrice, Pulsar, announced for weeks. Ready? Plug in the speakers, turn up the volume: here is the playlist of new releases for this Friday, June 7, 2024:

Naive New Beaters – FVTVRVM

We’ve been waiting for him since Fun Hours of 2019: the fifth Naive New Beaters album is released! Called FVTVRVM (pronounced Futurum), the album has twelve tracks and opens with the three previously revealed singles: The Sun, Desires And dancing. The crazy trio, true to its reputation, offers new songs here, often danceable, sometimes less light, but just as successful.

Julien Granel – SUNLIGHT

If you still had a little energy left to continue dancing after listening to the album CoolerJulien Granel drives the point home with a new single, the aptly named Sunlight – which is timely. We’re staying in the same vein, it works and might make you dance at festivals this summer.

July – Update

It’s the J, it’s the I for inexhaustible: Jul is releasing a new album this Friday (again): Update. This disc – the second of the year and 22nd of his career – includes 22 unreleased tracks. including the single I took the mic or collaborations with rappers SDM or Morad.

Barbara Pravi – La Pieva

In his new single, Barbara Pravi sings of life, death and love: La Pieva, is the name of a gypsy woman, the widow Milovanovic, who lived in the Serbian mountains hundreds of years ago and sang for the villagers of the region. She sang so well that she was famous La Pieva, “the singer” in Serbian. Barbara Pravi is his heir.

The Empress – Pulsar

After having published a last taste with the single Any Wayin duet with American singer Maggie Rogers, L’Impératrice unveils her new album this Friday, Pulsar and its ten pieces. Absolutely perfect for a sunny weekend.
