How the MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online will continue in 2023 has not yet been clarified. But the marketing is slowly starting to roll. Because selected players and media representatives have received a letter and now the community is wondering what will happen – and already has ideas.
The last DLC from Elder Scrolls Online – Firesong – went online at the end of September 2022 and slowly but surely the next content cycle is coming up.
To tease the new content, the MMORPG has come up with something more “personal” this time. Selected players, streamers and media representatives received a real letter home.
The letter contains a cryptic message and reveals more information when held under a black light. Accordingly, the rumor mill is churning. We show you the letter and the first conclusions of the community on MeinMMO.
You can watch the prologue trailer for the latest ESO DLC Firesong here:
ESO: Firesong Prologue Trailer
ESO: A Letter from the Prince of Destiny
What was that letter? Here is a photo of the English letter, with normal light and under black light:
letter translation: “Deputy. The tide of fate swirls around you in glorious fury, having chosen you to serve as proxy in a most dangerous crisis. The future of at least two worlds is at stake. Your talent for changing fate has been noticed. The reason for this letter.”
“Many roads lead forward, but only one ends with Nirn’s survival. In this particular moment, in this particular instance, you must be the thread that prevents reality from unraveling itself.”
“I will summon you when the inevitable fates show me where we are most needed.”
The emblem, which shows up under black light, was also quickly identified. It is the Golden Eye – an emblem referring to the Deadrian prince Hermaeus Mora. Here are a few of his names:
Shrines and statues of the prince depict a creature with crab claws and/or tentacles.
Rows give hope for a long-awaited feature
What assumptions are circulating? One theory is based on the fact that you can see something on the letter under a black light. This could be a reference to the city of “Blacklight” in northeast Morrorwind (via
The ESO forums are going the other direction from Morrorwind. Here, some users are hoping for the Telvanni Peninsula, which makes up most of the eastern mainland of the area.
In addition, one hopes for the long-awaited feature “Spellcrafting”, i.e. the creation of one’s own magic spells (via
For more information, we’ll have to wait until ESO reveals the secret.
What do you think, what is behind the letter? What areas, cities, or features would you like to see in Elder Scrolls Online? Leave a comment on the topic.
If you are interested in an article that summarizes the year 2022 in ESO, then have a look here: The MMORPG ESO stumbled a bit through the year 2022