My security, the application that puts you in direct contact with the police and the gendarmerie

My security the application that puts you in direct contact

The new government mobile application “Ma sécurité” makes it possible to contact the police or gendarmerie via a chat at any time of the day or night. It also contains a wealth of information, safety notifications, and online pre-complaint and reporting services.

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the interior ministry just launched a new application to simplify contact with the police and the gendarmerie. Simply called “My security”, it provides access to various non-emergency services on iOS and Android.

The application offers administrative procedures, reporting and pre-complaint services, a map with police stations and gendarmeries, emergency numbers and local safety notifications. It also includes the platform for reporting deal points, and a chat service accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Despite everything, the Ministry of the Interior reminds that in case of emergency you must call 17.

An online and video complaint service

In parallel with the application, the Ministry of the Interior has announced that it intends to equip the security forces with 240,000 NEO 2 terminals by June 2022. These are smartphones and tablets equipped with a secure broadband connection. In particular, they will allow you to connect to the network radio security forces as well as body cameras whose deployment continues.

In addition, the Ministry of the Interior has been experimenting for several months now with the platform for harmonized processing of investigations and reports for e-frauds (THESEE). It will make it possible to file a complaint online in the event of piracyblackmail, ransomware, fraud or online fraud. The government also took the opportunity to announce the creation of the “Visioplainte” service. Thanks to the France Connect service, anyone can file a complaint by videoconference. from making an appointment to sending the report “. Visioplainte will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thanks to a team of around fifty police officers.

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