My neighbor, the travel writer: meeting with Bernard Ollivier

My neighbor the travel writer meeting with Bernard Ollivier

An apostle of slow travel, a former French journalist and late travel writer, Bernard Ollivier created the association Seuil in 2000, an association for the reintegration of young people in difficulty through walking and travel.

An unrepentant walker, he is also the author of “Life begins at 60 ”,“ Walk and invent your life” Where “The long walk», a famous triptych on the Silk Road which he traveled on foot for more than 12,000 kilometers and which won him the Joseph Kessel Prize in 2001.

We have crossed his path and his works for a long time, but we had never met him before. However, if the confinement in 2020 could have had a merit, it is perhaps that of having allowed us to get to know our neighbors better. This is what Raphaëlle Constant did for us, who at the time confined herself a stone’s throw from Bernard Ollivier. Once the confinement was lifted, she therefore went to meet her neighbour, the travel writer… Who, from her vast garden, gives us her life path, her view of the direction of travel, the current crisis and the role of seniors in Western society.

A report by Raphaëlle Constant, with Xavier Gibert of RFI Labo, initially broadcast in June 2020.

Learn more :

– On the Threshold association created by Bernard Ollivier, which allows, through walking, young drifters to recross the threshold of a society that rejects them

– On Air(e) association, his latest ecological project aimed at creating places of life and fraternity in the form of small autonomous villages.

Bibliographic selection :

  • Long walk, continuation and end. Editions Phoebus. 2016
  • Walk and invent your life. Editions Arthaud. 2015
  • Adventures in the Loire, 1000 km on foot and by canoe. Editions Phoebus. 2009
  • Life begins at sixty. Editions Phoebus. 2008
  • The Long Walk: On Foot from the Mediterranean to China via the Silk Road (Volume 3): Wind of the Steppes. Editions Phoebus. 2003
  • The Long March: On Foot from the Mediterranean to China via the Silk Road (Volume 2): Towards Samarkand. Phébus editions. 2001
  • The Long March: On Foot from the Mediterranean to China via the Silk Road (Volume 1): Crossing Anatolia. Editions Phoebus. 2000.

