My Health Space: what is it, connection, dangers?

My Health Space what is it connection dangers

My Health Space is a digital health book launched by the Ministry of Health to digitally store radios, blood test results, prescriptions… How to connect to your account? Is there a danger for personal data?

In early 2022, the Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health developed a individual digital health record, for all French people and contained in a phone (application) or on a computer. More than 65.4 million French people use this digital service indicates the Health Insurance in a Press release of February 6, 2023 and less than 2% of users opposed it. My Health Space allows everyone to store all documents (x-rays, blood tests, ultrasounds, digital prescriptions, editor’s note) and useful information for his medical follow-up and share with healthcare professionals. who is it My Health Space? How enable its account ? Whose is it intended? Is it OBLIGATORY ? How about oppose ? Is there a danger for the Data protection personal? Can we refuse it? What about the Shared Medical Record ?

What is My Health Space?

My Health Space is a digital health record individual made available to the 69 million people insured in France by the State and Health Insurance to enable each citizen to store their medical information and share it with the healthcare professionals who care for them. The My health space mobile application is available via the website from a mobile phone or can be consulted directly on a computer.The digital space stores all the x-rays, blood tests and hospitalization reports. You can enter your history, your allergies, your prescriptions“said the Minister of Health during a press conference on February 3. Since February 2022, more than 7,240,000 documents (medical certificates, biology results, etc.) have been integrated by users into My Health Space. thus finds in its Health Space:

  • The shared medical record (DMP) : it’s the “online health book” (prescriptions and care, radio, ultrasound, scanner, MRI, biology results, prevention and screening, reports, medical certificates, allergies and family history, medical measures, etc.). His attending physician, his pharmacist and all the other health professionals who follow him can also feed him, if the patient has authorized them to do so.
  • A courier to receive personal information from the care team, to exchange documents with health, medico-social and social professionals.
  • A catalog of websites and health applications selected and certified by the State (daily blood pressure measurements, chronic disease monitoring, etc.). Services are assessed in particular on their compliance with the rules relating to the general data protection regulations (GDPR) and the “Informatique et Libertés” law. 18 services are already visible on My Health Space.
  • A health diary, available soon, to record his medical appointments. The agenda will also offer alerts for screening or vaccination reminders. Eventually, it can be synchronized with platforms for making medical appointments (such as doctolib).

In particular, you can file the document appointing the trusted person who will be consulted by the medical team if you are no longer able to express yourself.

Service features My health space February 3, 2022 © Health Insurance

For whom is My Health Space intended?

All people, regardless of their health insurance plan, can use this new service: farmers, employees, self-employed, students, etc.“says the Health Insurance. “So that everyone can benefit from it, we are linking a network of actors and volunteer professionals to support the people furthest from digital technology in the handling of this tool. Everyone should have access“defended Olivier Véran.

Is it mandatory to have My Health Space?

My Health Space it’s not mandatory. He is destined “To those who wish to use it“said Olivier Véran. If you have not proceeded to oppose the creation of your space within the period of 6 weeks after having received the code by e-mail or post, a period now expired, you keep the possibility of closing your space.

A “My health space” profile is automatically created for all policyholders who have not expressed their opposition. The next step is therefore for the insured to activate their profile. “A confidential code was sent to each insured, by e-mail or by post. Everyone can use this code to activate your personal space. This code will be valid for 6 weeks from the date of dispatch. After this period, his personal space will be created automatically. At any time, after this period, the insured retains the possibility of activating or closing this space. inform the health insurance. By going to the site monespacesante.frclick on “Activate my space”. You have to bring your code and your Vitale card. “You will start from a blank page and you will have to bring it to lifefeed it according to your needs, according to your discussions with your caregivers” added Olivier Véran. This action is necessary to access his data, add documents or complete his medical profile. However, it is not necessary to have activated his My health space profile for a health professional to be able to file a document there, this is possible as soon as it is automatically opened by the Health Insurance.

Capture My Health Space
Screenshot My Health Space © My Health Space

To connect to My Health Space, go to site And identify yourself using your username and password created during the first connection.

Can I object to My Health Space?

Your personal space is created automatically but you keep the possibility of not activating your space and closing it. For close My Health Spaceclick on your profile located at the top right of the screen then on “Settings“. You can request the downloading all of your profile information and/or requesting its permanent deletion.

Will the Shared Medical Record be deleted?

The Shared Medical Record, commonly called DMP, is a digital health book to securely store your health documents: prescriptions, test results, reports… The DMP also makes it possible to share this information with the healthcare professionals of your choice to improve your medical follow-up, including in the event of an emergency. If you already had a DMP, its content (data) is automatically integrated into the new My health space service. If you refuse My Health Space, your DMP won’t be deleted but you won’t be able to access it soon from the website and the DMP application. However, this will remain accessible by health professionals during a transitional period before being definitely closed.

Like all official services, the risk of scams in the form of fraudulent calls and messages exists. “These calls and their intermediaries claim to want to “help create My Health Space” and ask to enter the “France Connect” identifiers to access the digital service. This is an attempted scam, because My health space is not yet compatible with France Connect. The risks of identity theft are significant and can affect different services in the event of transmission of information (taxes, etc.)“ warns the Health Insurance. As a reminder, Health Insurance never asks for bank details or passwords, whether by email or SMS.

“My Health Space never asks you for bank details or a password”

Are personal data well protected?

Health insurance guarantees the security and protection of personal data contained in My Health Space. She specifies that “these data is hosted in France on servers that meet the highest security standards. My health space preserves medical secrecysince it is the user who decides which health professionals can have access to his documents, and the documents he agrees to share“.”The documents present in “My health space” are visible to health professionals who are authorized by law and regulatory texts. Neither Health Insurance, nor mutual insurance companies, nor occupational medicine have access to this data.” specifies the organization. Faced with the dangers of fraud, Mon Espace Santé warns on its site via a message on the home page “there are fraudulent canvassing by e-mail and SMS that usurp the name of My Health Space. Whether by SMS or e-mail, My health space never asks you for bank details or a password”.


– My health space, a new personal and secure digital service, February 6, 2023, Health insurance.

– My health space is enriched with a catalog of services, November 3, 2022, Health insurance.

– My health space: why are the profiles automatically opened?, June 22, 2022, Health insurance.

– My health space, a new personal and secure digital service, March 3, 2022, Health insurance.

– Beware of fraudulent calls and messages concerning My health space, February 18, 2022, Health insurance.

– My health space, a new personal and secure digital service, February 2, 2022, Health insurance.
