My Health Space: what is it, activating it, is it mandatory?

My Health Space what is it activating it is it

DIGITAL HEALTH BOOKLET. Mon Espace Santé is a digital health record launched on February 3, 2022 by the Ministry of Health, intended for all French people. You can store your x-rays, blood test results… How to activate your account? Is it mandatory? Can we refuse it? Are there any dangers? We explain to you.

[Mise à jour le 3 février 2022 à 20h30] Olivier Véran announced on Thursday February 3, 2022 the launch of My Health Space. It is “a health book [numérique] for all French people, kept up to date for life and contained in their phone or computer” indicated the Minister of Health during a press conference. This service must “cause useful information is available in the care pathways” defended Olivier Véran. “It will allow everyone to store all the documents (x-rays, blood tests, editor’s note) and useful information for their medical follow-up and to share safely with healthcare professionalsindicates the Health Insurance in a communicated of February 2. What’s this My Health Space? How? ‘Or’ What activate its account ? Whose is it intended? Is it obligatory ? Are there any risks for the Data protection personal? Can we refuse it?

Definition: what is the “My Health Space” application?

My Health Space is a digital and interactive health record that can be downloaded to your phone via an application or can be consulted directly on a computer.It will allow everyone to store all the documents and information useful for his medical follow-up and to share them safely with its healthcare professionals” says health insurance. “The digital space stores all the x-rays, blood tests and hospitalization reports. You can enter your history, your allergies, your prescriptions“added the Minister of Health during a press conference on February 3. Atbeyond the medical file and a secure messaging, this service will eventually provide access to a agenda to collect medical appointments, as well as a catalog of health services and applications referenced by public authorities“continued the Health Insurance.

Service features My health space February 3, 2022 © Health Insurance

For whom is My Health Space intended?

All people, regardless of their health insurance plan, will be able to use this new service: farmers, employees, self-employed workers, students, etc.“says the Health Insurance. “So that everyone can benefit from it, we will link a network of actors and volunteer professionals to support the people furthest from digital technology in the handling of this tool. Everyone should have access“defended Olivier Véran.

Is it mandatory to have My Health Space?

My Health Space it’s not mandatory. He is destined “at those who wish to use it“said Olivier Véran. If you do not wish to create your health space, you will have to use the code received by e-mail or post in order to oppose the creation Account within 6 weeks of the date of dispatch. After this period, your personal space will be created automatically but you keep the possibility of closing your space.

Can we refuse to create our health space?

Yes, it is possible to refuse to create an account on the “My Health Space” service. In this case it is necessary use the code received by email or mail to oppose the creation Account within 6 weeks of the date of dispatch. After this period, your personal space will be created automatically but you keep the possibility of closing your space.

A confidential code will be sent to each insured, by e-mail or by post. Everyone can use this code to activate your personal space. This code will be valid for 6 weeks from the date of dispatch. After this period, his personal space will be created automatically. At any time, after this period, the insured retains the possibility of activating or closing this space. inform the health insurance. By going to the site, click on “Activate my space”. You have to bring your code and your Vitale card. “You will start from a blank page and you will have to bring it to life, feed it according to your needs, according to your discussions with your caregivers“added Olivier Véran.

To connect to My Health Space, go to site and identify yourself using your username and password created during the first connection.

Is there a danger for the protection of personal data?

Health insurance guarantees the security and protection of personal data contained in My Health Space. She specifies that “those data is hosted in France on servers that meet the highest security standards. My health space preserves medical secrecy, since it is the user who decides which health professionals can have access to his documents, and the documents he agrees to share“.

Source: My health space, a new personal and secure digital service, February 2, 2022, Health Insurance.
