My Health Space: the French appreciate the tool but remain to be convinced of its usefulness

My Health Space the French appreciate the tool but remain

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    Nearly a year after its launch, users still have to take ownership of their “Health Space”, the tool launched by the Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health. While this is well received, brakes still seem to be lifted, according to a survey.

    Have you activated My Health Space? And if so, do you use it for your health procedures? Not sure. According to a France Assos Santé /CSA survey conducted almost a year after the launch of the platform, if it has many interests and now offers many services like applications, its appropriation is not yet obvious to everyone. Its usefulness, in particular, is still questioned.

    8 out of 10 French people know My Health Space

    To get a clearer idea of ​​the current use of Mon Espace Santé and its scope, France Assos Santé carried out a survey in November 2022 with the CSA institute among a representative panel of the French population of 1 505 people. Among the good marks collected by the tool, we can note its high level of notoriety since:

    • 82% claim to know that an account has been created for them, even if only 38% have actually activated it;
    • However, four out of five respondents who have activated their account believe that the service is easy to use, but takes a long time to fill in, especially the first time;
    • 7 out of 10 people who have activated their account have used it at least once in the year;
    • And one in three people went back several times for their procedures, proving that the use is not so complicated.

    A usefulness that remains to be defined for many

    For the rest of the French who have still not activated it, however, the tool still raises questions. Half would like to know more about its benefits. And the lack of information at their disposal is proving to be the major obstacle to its handling.

    In this respect, the role of the professional could be the trigger since only 18% of respondents mention having talked about Mon Espace Santé with their doctor when the tool is intended as a real exchange platform. Better pedagogy seems to remain to be considered by public services to take full advantage of the tool

    As a reminder, Mon Espace Santé was created in January 2022 by Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health in order to offer all users the possibility of managing their documents and medical data more simply, with a range of services and features largely revised upwards compared to the Shared Medical Record.
