My child is not clean for his return to kindergarten, can he be refused?

My child is not clean for his return to kindergarten

Your child’s start of kindergarten is fast approaching and you are panicking because he is not “clean” yet. Can it be refused? What the law says ? How to help him to acquire continence?

In France, school has been compulsory from 3 to 16 years of age since 2019. The child can be educated in a public or private establishment. It is also possible to request permission to homeschool. But, what to do when the child is not yet completely continent for his return to kindergarten? Answers and advice from Héloïse Junier, psychologist specializing in young children, author of the Parents’ Survival Manual (Éd. Eyrolles).

Can the school refuse a child who is not clean? What the law says ?

According to’article L113-1 of the education code, “every child must be able to be welcomed, at the age of threein a nursery school or a kindergarten class as close as possible to his home, if his family requests it”. In other words, entry into kindergarten is not conditional on the cleanliness of the child.

This was stated by Jean-Michel Blanquer, then Minister of Education, following a question posed by the senator of Indre-et-Loire Serge Babary. His answer had been published in the JO Senate of 01/16/2020: “Cleanliness” education is done jointly at school and in the family. Its acquisition can in no case be a condition that prevents the registration and attendance of the child at school. The ATSEM and the teacher are called upon to carry out the hygiene gestures necessary to lead the child to take this step, while respecting his maturation and his intimacy.

“Education in “cleanliness” is done jointly at school and in the family. Its acquisition can in no way be a condition that prevents the child’s enrollment and attendance at school”.

Who changes nappies in kindergarten?

These are territorial agents specialized in nursery schools (ATSEM) who change nappies in kindergarten. These people have the role of assisting the teacher in his daily tasks such as welcoming, supervising and supervising the students.

Do not rush things or put pressure on yourself

The acquisition of cleanliness is a big step in the development of the child. However, it would be counterproductive to want to rush things. As an early childhood psychologist, Héloïse Junier observes that parental pressure increases from the month of April preceding the start of kindergarten, because it’s the last vacation before summer. “It is important that parents take this pressure off themselves. The acquisition of continence is not linear, it can take time or go very quickly. Sometimes, a week or two of observing others and mimicry is enough to make the child want to go to the bathroom.“, reassures the specialist.

How to help your child become clean for the start of the school year?

“If the child shows no interest in continence, parents can begin to arouse his curiosity by reading books to him, leaving the toilet door open, offering him games on the subject, talking… Some parents customize the toilet or the place where the child goes to the toilet to make the place magical and magical“, advises Héloïse Junier.

For continence training to work, it is essential that the child shows a minimum of voluntary action.It is when he begins to identify his internal signals (the urge to pee or poo) that it is interesting to suggest that the child remove his diaper“, details the psychologist.

Another trick to familiarize the child with the potty, carry it everywhere with you during the holidays: on the bike, at the beach, as if the potty was part of the family. As soon as the child shows signs of wanting to go to the toilet, the potty will be drawn. In the event of an accident, the parent must not humiliate the child, shout at him or abuse him.

Thanks to Héloïse Junier, psychologist specializing in young children, author of the Parents’ Survival Manual (Ed. Eyrolles).
