Many children set their sights in the playground from primary school. But when they are a little too fusion, parents can ensure this detail, according to a psychologist.
Children can fall in love from kindergarten. Some kisses to his classmate, hold his hand to his boyfriend in the playground, offer a love letter or candies … So many caring little gestures that allow young children lovingly. Generally, parents are reassured to know that their child has a “little lover”. “”I tell myself that my daughter is loved and protected at school, and that she always has a friend who will take care of her, that she will not be alone in the playground “says the mother of Eloïse, who swears by her little Gabriel. But for Stéphan Valentin, psychologist, this relationship can ultimately pose a problem.
“”It is not the intensity that is in question, but the fact that the two lovers live in a bubble “ explains the specialist. To prevent the two children from being too isolated, he advises parents to “ensure that the child is not too exclusive and that he continues to see his other friends”. You can for example offer him, chatting with your child in the evening after school, trying to play with his other classmates. In this way, “The child learns early that being in love should not endanger friendly relations“.
By being exclusive, the two lovers are excluding while preventing other students who will not necessarily dare to disturb them to offer them to play with them. It is therefore important for each of them to be able to have fun on their side with their own friends, and to be able to meet when they want. Do not hesitate to offer them to invite class class friends and friends and take it to birthdays, even if that day, his darling is not there …
For Stéphan Valentin, it is also important that parents approve the relationship of their toddler. “”Parents must show that they agree that their child loves a girl or a boy and that they do not become “jealous” of this feeling of love “.