My child does not like to read, how can I help him?

My child does not like to read how can I

While some children are easily captivated by reading, others are not as enthusiastic about seeing a book and prefer to stay in front of a screen. 5 tips to make them want to read.

Your child is not really attracted to books and stories, which he prefers to listen to or see in cartoon version? It’s not always easy as a parent of pass on a love of reading to their child. However, when the child reads, he creates a universe and lets his imagination work. For the youngest who regularly read stories with their parents, reading will promote their development, their acquisition of language but also the recognition of words. Without reading becoming a constraint for the child, you can gradually (and skilfully!) establish a few rules to lead him step by step to this desire to read. Here are five tips to help you do that.

Read him a story in the evening, before sleeping

While watching a movie or TV show at night is fun, so is reading a book with your child. For some parents, this may seem restrictive, but it’s not wasted time. It is advisable to read stories every evening even if it only lasts five or ten minutes. If you think your child is too young, that’s okay! The earlier the child is in contact with books, the more he will want to read them on his own afterwards. In addition to trying to give him a taste for books, this will allow you to spend more time with him.

Let him choose his books

When the child is old enough to read on his own, it is preferable that he chooses his books. He will thus opt for stories and characters that he will like. This will make him more eager to discover them later. However, you can guide him in his choices if the story does not seem appropriate for his age. The youngest can also participate in the purchase of books. In this case, select several and then let your child choose. Buying books before the holidays is a good way for children to immerse themselves in history when they are bored, for example.

Go to the library

Taking your child to the library is a good way to familiarize him with books. Practical, this will allow him to borrow as many books as possible and to try different literary genres if he wishes. This will also allow him to vary the reading materials and thus borrow novels, comics, magazines… Moreover, the fact of seeing other children reading will certainly make him want to do the same. In addition, there are usually book clubs in libraries which are perfect for keeping children busy during their free time.

Let him read at his own pace

Reading should be fun for children. So that it is not or does not become a constraint, it is therefore preferable that parents do not force their child to read. However, they can gradually lead him to read by taking him to the library or bookstore. He will be able to choose one or more books and then read them at his own pace. If he refuses, nothing prevents you from insisting a little! It is also useless to flood a child with books, it is better that he read only a few books but throughout the year.

Subscribe to a magazine

Subscribing your child to a magazine is a good way to introduce him to reading. Unaccustomed to receiving mail, he looked forward to his magazine each month. There are different magazines adapted to each age and particularly well made for children: Toupie, Astrapi, J’aime lire, Okapi, Picsou, Le Journal de Mickey… But it is better, once again, to ask him to choose the magazine he wants. he prefers rather than imposing it on him!
