Since adolescence, Juliette has been embarrassed by her high chest, to the point of not being able to look in the ice. At 26, she finally took the plunge and opts for a breast reduction. An operation that will change your life. Narrative.
I wanted to do this operation Because I have a passive with dysmorphophobia. Over time, I couldn’t look in the mirror anymore because I found my chest too huge for my corpulence. In fact, I was distorted because of her. Before the operation, I had not seen myself in a mirror for three years. Usually, I only looked at my face, and I avoided any reflection that could send me my image. I only saw that, my chest. I could no longer dress, because, let’s face it, fashion is not made for strong breasts. I couldn’t find a store in the trade either, it’s very hard to find models with a short background and a big hat. You have to turn to specialized and very expensive lingerie brands. As a result, I only had three bras with which I was shooting. I was 90 hours, and it is not livable on a daily basis.
You have to keep in mind that the breast reduction is an expensive operation, around 4000 euros for my part. I had to wait for my 26th birthday to be able to pay it. I contacted a surgeon with whom I had a first appointment. He answered my questions, but also explained to me that my weight should not evolve in the future outside of more or less 5 kg. I admit that it scared me, and I came out crying. Following that, I took a year and a half to make my decision, and take the plunge. I called the doctor, we agreed on a date in September 2024, but there are a lot of steps to do before the operation such as a blood report and mammograms. You should know that one does not decide a grammage to be removed in breast in particular, because everything varies from one person to another, but rather from a hat. I spoke to the surgeon who advised me on what would be the most harmonious. Once the operation is finished, I expected terrible pain, but it was rather bearable. I did not move too much or raised my arms for two weeks, fortunately my mother was there to help me.
Since the operation, I feel much better in my body and in my head. I went from a 90h to a 90D, it’s day and night. Little by little, I managed to look at myself in a mirror. It’s pretty surprising to see each other again, I did not think I would get there one day. It affected a lot in my life, especially in my relationships with men because I didn’t feel pretty. The operation is not miraculous but I can get more and more to find myself beautiful. Since then I have even started to dance, and I can finally dress with clothes that I like.
It is a real happiness! It saddens me to tell me that I had to go through an operation to feel better in my body … that I could not appreciate what I had before. But I know it was the only way to get there. I prefer to have these scars for life than not to live.