Must estimate at least 100,000 for the May flowers

Must estimate at least 100000 for the May flowers

Published: Less than 1 hour ago

full screen May flower seller Murhaf Hamid in Glimåkra. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Murhaf Hamid’s attention-grabbing collection for the May flower is now up to SEK 4.3 million. He will have to tax at least SEK 100,000 on his commission.

At 4 pm on Wednesday, 11-year-old Murhaf Hamid’s Mayblommor sales were up to SEK 4.3 million. Sellers of the Mayflower get to keep ten percent in commission, which right now means SEK 430,000 for Murhaf Hamid.

Incomes of that size are taxable, so Murhaf Hamid will have to pay at least SEK 100,000 in taxes, the Tax Agency told Norra Skåne newspaper.

In practice, it is Mayblomman who pays the tax for the sale before they pay out the commission as a salary. The organization has contacted lawyers who will help with the case, says Majblomman’s press secretary Liv Landell Major to TT.

– Majblomman wants the laws and regulations to be followed, so of course we do everything to ensure that he does the right thing for himself and that we pay the employer’s contribution according to the current regulations, says Liv Landell Major.

In addition to the sale, Murhaf Hamid has received SEK 100,000 in tips which are not taxable because it is considered a gift, which is not taxable in Sweden.
