Muslim representatives united against the rise of the extreme right in legislative elections

Muslim representatives united against the rise of the extreme right

At the initiative of the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris and in the context of the two rounds of the legislative elections, representatives of the Muslim faith and figures from civil society have gathered to urge the French to block the National Rally. They are all committed to fighting against the extreme right, whose rise in the country is causing concern.

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Calling for mobilization and expressing a common desire to defend the values ​​of the Republic is one of the objectives of the participants in the conference held at the Grand Mosque of Paris.

We first call for the mobilization of all citizens, whatever their beliefs or origins, for the second round of the legislative elections, explain Chems-eddine Hafizrector of the Great Mosque of ParisWe then call for the defense of republican values ​​at the ballot box. »

Our 2024 Legislative file

Republican values ​​undermined

Republican values ​​which, according to Myriam Edjlali-Goujon, professor of medicine at the Raymond Poincaré hospital, are being undermined by the National Rally : ” Fraternity, equality and freedom are our values ​​that unite us. In the current debate, equality is the value that is being called into question. When we listen to the RN’s speeches, we no longer have the impression of being side by side as French citizens, but of being put face to face. As a member of civil society, I find that getting involved in the current period makes sense. »

The conference participants stressed the need to not accept that politicians divide the nation into ethnic or religious categories and then set them against each other.

Read alsoThe rule of law, a regular target of the far right in France and in Europe
