Musk’s image of Trump in front of the Ministry’s grave

Flight chaos after fire – Heathrow closes all Friday


  • Musk’s image of Trump in front of the Ministry’s grave

    Musk’s image of Trump in front of the Ministry’s grave

    Donald Trump has signed a presidential order that dissolves the US Department of Education. One who is pleased with the message is Elon Musk.

    At X he has shared a picture depicting a happy Donald Trump in front of a grave with the Ministry of Education’s name.

    The tech billionaire has also shared several posts where Trump’s decision is praised.

  • Workplace accident – person has fallen through glass

    Workplace accident – person has fallen through glass

    Police were alerted shortly after 10 o’clock after a workplace accident at Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

    The person, who is in their 20s, is said to have fallen through glass.

    “The person must have fallen about four to five meters,” said police spokesman Anna Westberg.

    According to initial information, the person was awake and talkable after the accident. Ambulance and police are in place.

  • Denmark about trips to the United States: “Pay attention”

    Denmark about trips to the United States: “Pay attention”

    The Danish Foreign Ministry updated yesterday the travel information for Danes traveling to the United States. On the website it now says “be attentive”.

    “Use your common sense and pay attention to suspected behavior that you would do if you were in Denmark” it says.

    The same call applies to trips to a number of countries, including Sweden.

  • Two defendants for thread murder

    The man was shot dead with several shots in August last year.

    The 21-year-old is suspected of the murder and for serious weapons crime. The 22-year-old is suspected of, among other things, gross protection of criminals and serious weapons crime.

    -The 21-year-old, who is now being charged with murder, is part of the same gang constellation as the deceased and has been arrested for the crime since August. The 22-year-old is suspected of hidden the murder suspect and the murder weapon in his home until they were arrested, says prosecutor Carolyn Westeröd, who leads the investigation.

  • Woman to hospital – was trampled by cow

    Woman to hospital – was trampled by cow

    A woman aged 65 has been taken to hospital by ambulance after being trampled by a cow on a farm in Vimmerby municipality.

    The police say she was taken to hospital for control, but otherwise the injury situation is unclear.

    The incident is being investigated as a workplace accident.

  • Suspected dangerous object in Södertälje

    Suspected dangerous object in Södertälje

    At 09.41, police were alerted to a residential area in Södertälje.

    The reason is a suspected dangerous object at a home.

    “We have blocked off around the home and the national bomb protection will come to the scene,” said police spokesman Anna Westerberg.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, it is a thermos -like object found.

    Accommodation in the area will be housed or evacuated.

  • Fewer Swedish children live in poverty

    Fewer Swedish children live in poverty

    Children living in families with low income standard are decreasing. In ten years, the figure has decreased by 50,000, according to Statistics Sweden.

    Low income standard means that a household does not receive enough money to afford the necessary costs.

    In 2023, there were 145,000 children under 18 who live in households with low income standards.

  • Two men dead after avalanche

    A third person was injured.

    Both men are Italian citizens and relatives are informed.

    The accident occurred at 16 on Thursday and also a helicopter was included in the avalanche.

    The incident is investigated as causing the death of another and causing bodily harm.

    “At this stage of the preliminary investigation, the focus will be on hearing the people who can be expected to have information to submit,” says Senior Prosecutor Jonas Fjellström, who leads the investigation.

    There are one or more suspects and a designated company, according to the prosecutor. No one is arrested.

  • Suspected of the murder of Momika is written off

    The murder took place in Södertälje at the end of January and the men were arrested in connection with it.

    They were later released.

    There is no suspect at present.

    – We have a fairly good picture of the course of events, but at present have no person who is detained or served suspicion. We work broadly and I cannot go into what different tracks we follow, says Senior Prosecutor Rasmus Öman, who leads the preliminary investigation.

  • Fewer youths use a condom

    Fewer youths use a condom

    Condom use decreases among Sweden’s young people, according to a new report from RFSU.

    In the report, where Swedes between 16 and 65 were interviewed, 40 percent state that they have used a condom in the past year.

    Sexual educator Pelle Ullholm says in a statement that the change may be due to sex education.

    – It may be time for a renewal, because it is a new generation you teach, he says.

  • ROT deduction is raised to 50 percent

    ROT deduction is raised to 50 percent

    The Government proposes that the ROT deduction be increased from 30 to 50 percent.

    This is stated by Magnus Persson (SD), chairman of the Labor Market Committee, at a press conference about the spring change budget.

    – In addition to stimulating the economy, it is also a targeted effort to support the construction industry that had the extra tough time during the economic downturn, he says.

  • Police bought rainwear – Millionbot threatens

    The Swedish Competition Authority discovered that the police bought new rainwear in a lawfully for SEK 47 million. File image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    Police bought rainwear – Millionbot threatens

    The Police Authority has bought rain clothes without first advertising the procurement by law.

    The miss can cost the police SEK 4 million.

    Police’s previous agreement on so -called shell garments expired in January 2021. A new procurement was only announced two years later. It was canceled since September 2023. In order not to risk standing without rainwear, the authority therefore turned directly to the supplier with a purchase order.

    “The main rule is that procurement must be advertised so that all interested suppliers are given the same opportunities to submit tenders. Exceptions to the advertising obligation may only be used under very exceptional circumstances,” says the Competition Authority’s Director General Marie Östman in a press release.

    According to the work, the value of purchases amounts to just over SEK 47 million.

  • British police will again search for sex crime suspected clemenger

    British police will again search for sex crime suspected clemenger

    Swedish police have now again asked Britain for help in the hunt for the wanted television profile Dermot Clemenger.

    This, on the grounds that Expressen managed to locate the sex crime suspected 51-year-old at a London hotel.

    When the newspaper’s reporter tries to ask questions to Clemenger, he instead runs out from the hotel down the street.

  • Woman is charged – suspected to have murdered her mother

    The woman has admitted the murder.

    She has previously undergone a forensic psychiatric examination that showed that she is suffering from a serious mental disorder.

  • Neil Young sets free concert in Ukraine

    Neil Young. File image. Photo: Chad Hipolito/AP/TT

    Neil Young sets free concert in Ukraine

    Neil Young sets its planned free concert in Ukraine. The reason: it is too dangerous.

    Neil Young’s planned concert in Ukraine will not be done. The Canadian artist told us at the beginning of the month that he and his band The Chrome Hearts would start the European part of the upcoming world tour with a great gig, open to everyone, in the war -affected country.

    Now Young writes on his website that he is forced to cancel the event for security reasons.

    “We had found a good arena, near a shelter, but the changed situation on the ground is too dangerous. I cannot with good conscience take my team and all instruments to that area,” he writes and continues:

    “I apologize. Ukraine is a fantastic country with a good leader. ‘Slava Ukraini’ ‘.

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