Musk wants Twitter to reach 1 billion users. Necessary to cut organic

Twitter replies to Musk we will continue to share information

(Finance) – Elon Musk he said he wanted to increase the number of users from Twitter to at least one billion people, with advertising that would remain an important part of the social network’s business model, that any dismissals would be considered on the basis of employee performance and that remote work is suitable for those who perform their duties in an exceptional way. This is what emerged from the first meeting between the US entrepreneur with employees Twitter, according to reports from several American media that have come into possession of the audio of the meeting.

The founder of Tesla, who made a $ 44 billion offer to acquire and delist Twitter, said the layoffs on Twitter will depend on his financial situation. “It needs to get back to health – he said – Right now the costs exceed the revenues “, and therefore it is necessary to rationalize the workforce, otherwise Twitter will not be able to grow.” Anyone who contributes significantly has nothing to worry about “, he added.

One of the topics Musk has received questions about is remote working. “Tesla makes cars and you can’t make cars remotely,” said the entrepreneur, who didn’t explain in detail what his policy on working remotely would be for Twitter employees. In any case, the of him “bias is strongly towards working in person“he stressed.

Musk, who said to have no interest in being CEO of Twitter, said the social network’s success goes from a significant increase in active users, which potentially must exceed one billion. According to the latest quarterly, Twitter has around 229 million users. The multibillionaire has also proposed options such as a subscription or payment model by users to verify their accounts.

Regarding his own political views, Musk said he was in favor of “moderate politics” and is “close enough to the center”. The richest man in the world also said he would allow a wide range of views on the platform, including extreme views that fall within the parameters of the law.
