Music Festival 2024: what events in France? our selection

Music Festival 2024 what events in France our selection

Like every year, the Music Festival is this June 21!

The essential

  • Hard to believe with this weather, but the Music Festival is Friday!
  • Like every year, this ultra-popular event is celebrated on June 21, which invites amateur and professional musicians to perform for free in the streets, squares and parks.
  • Initiated in 1982 by the Ministry of Culture, under the leadership of Jack Lang, this festival coincides with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.
  • The Music Festival aims to promote music in all its forms and make musical culture accessible to all. Concerts are organized in large cities such as Paris, Lyon, and Marseille, but also in smaller towns.


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Why this date for the Music Festival?

Since its creation in 1982 by the Ministry of Culture, the Music Festival has been set on a unique and symbolic date: June 21, the day of the summer solstice, but also the longest day of the year. Normally, we should be able to count on a sunny day…

The History of the Music Festival

It was 1981, Jack Lang, then Minister of Culture, appointed Maurice Fleuret to the post of director of music and dance. Together, they are working on the creation of a huge cultural event that would put music and creation in the spotlight across the country.

“An event was needed which would allow us to measure the place music occupied in individual and collective life. A spectacular movement of awareness, a spontaneous impulse to alert public opinion and perhaps also… the political class. C This is why the Ministry of Culture had the idea of ​​organizing a Music Festival in 1982. A non-directive celebration, which brings together all French people for whom music matters”, recounted Maurice Fleuret in Télérama, in 1983 .

The very first Music Festival was launched on June 21, 1982, the symbolic day of the summer solstice, the longest of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
