Museums are experiencing a top summer due to the wet weather: ‘People were pouring inside’

Museums are experiencing a top summer due to the wet

The Utrechtse Heuvelrug also remains popular

Rain or not: the Utrechtse Heuvelrug remains a popular destination in the Netherlands. It is even the third most popular holiday municipality in the country. Alex van der Grift, board member of the tourism office in that region, understands that. “Yes, what more could you want? You can cycle through this fantastically, through the woods and beautiful villages. And then we also have the Rhenen zoo, the Military Museum in Soest and the city of Utrecht around the corner.”

Despite a few cancellations at his campsite De Krakeling, business is going well on the Heuvelrug. “We are quite full, yes. And we also notice that the popularity of the region is still increasing. Especially the somewhat older cyclists, but also young families, know how to find the area more.”
