Musan Salama from Pori won the Finnish women’s futsal championship on Sunday.
The MuSan Lightning Championship was confirmed when it knocked down FTK-Tornio 4–2 away. The championship came straight with a win of 3-0.
The character of Sunday’s game had finished the first three goals for the people of Pori Anni-Elina Luotonen. Iina Heikkilä took MuSan to the 4-0 lead until FTK-Tornio Tiia Juntikka and Anna Keränen narrowed.
MuSan Salamal also celebrated the Finnish Championship gold last year, so it regained its number one place. HIFK won the Finnish Championship bronze this year.
– It feels pretty sick. Not quite realizing yet that we are renewing the championship. A high-quality dune made throughout the season, which has been extended since the first training sessions, Elina Setälä answered the question in the TV interview, which decided the championship.