Murderer in Rinkeby still at large

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

On Christmas morning, the police were alerted to Rinkeby, in northwest Stockholm. A badly injured man in his 30s who had been shot was found at the scene. The same evening the news came that he had passed away.

According to information to Expressen and Aftonbladet, the man was a key person within a gang criminal grouping in Rinkeby and he has previously been convicted of several serious crimes.

— I have not confirmed anything. As always, the broad answer is that we look at similarities and differences and we are fully aware that there are gang conflicts going on. In this case, we have a deceased person and his next of kin have been notified, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson at the police.

On Monday, the police investigation in the area will continue.

— They receive tips, talk to as many people as possible, they inventory cameras and camera material.

— There will be an increased visibility of police officers in the area, partly to help investigative personnel with checks, but they also cooperate with religious communities, the district and others and answer questions.

The fatal shooting was the 62nd in Sweden this year.
