Murder suspect may suffer from mental disorder

Murder suspect may suffer from mental disorder

Anna Karolina Eriksson/TT




full screen Police cordon at the door of the apartment in central Lund where an unidentified man was found dead. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

The man who was detained on suspicion of murder after a person was found dead in his apartment in Lund may suffer from a serious mental disorder, reports SVT Nyheter Skåne.

The man, who is in his 50s, was stopped by police in Malmö one night at the end of May, while his apartment in Lund was searched. The dead man had then been discovered following tips from people who called the police and raised the alarm.

The suspect was arrested that night and later arrested on probable cause for murder.

According to the so-called section 7 examination – a minor mental examination – the man may suffer from a serious mental disorder.
