Murder of Rose: the guilty teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison. How to recognize a killer profile?

Murder of Rose the guilty teenager sentenced to 20 years

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    in collaboration with

    Stéphane Clerget (Child psychiatrist)

    The 16-year-old teenager, responsible for the death of little Rose, aged only 5, in April 2023, was sentenced to 20 years of criminal imprisonment. How do we recognize this type of profile? Explanations from Dr Stéphane Clerget, child psychiatrist.

    A little over a year ago, on April 25, 2023, a 15-year-old teenager lured little Rose (5 years old) into an apartment in Rambervilliers (Vosges), on the pretext of showing her a kitten. The child did not come out alive: an hour after her parents reported her disappearance, the young child’s body was found naked, in a garbage bag. The teenager allegedly drowned the little girl, holding her head underwater in the bathtub. The hypothesis of rape was ruled out, even if semen was found on the child’s sweater.

    Sentenced to 20 years of criminal imprisonment

    This teenager’s trial was held for three days behind closed doors. Wednesday June 12, the young man, who appeared free, was finally sentenced by the Epinal children’s court to 20 years of criminal imprisonment and 20 years of socio-judicial supervision upon his release from prison, in accordance with the requisitions of the prosecution . This is not the first time this teenager has faced justice.

    In February 2022, he was indicted for the rape and assault of two boys in Rambervillers. The young man allegedly led three children, aged 9, 11 and 12, towards an isolated grove. He then allegedly tied the two older children to a tree. One was raped, the other sexually assaulted. The youngest would have witnessed the scene. Placed in a closed educational center for a year, he was finally released, just a few months before attacking young Rose.

    Questioned, Dr Stéphane Clerget, child psychiatrist and author of the book The brain doctor Its extraordinary healing powers published by Editions Leduc, explains that this type of “perverse” and “sadistic” personality very often finds its roots in childhood.

    “To better understand the causes which would explain this gesture, we must go back to the childhood of these individuals“relates the doctor.”They are very often victims of abuse, perversion or incest..

    If the doctor obviously does not excuse the facts, he explains what is going on in the heads of these murderers. “They put themselves in the place of the aggressor, in response to what they suffered as children. And nothing matters to them: they show no remorse, no guilt for the victims, they are in a megalomania where nothing matters, except themselves..

    What are the possibilities of treating these individuals?

    Before a trial is held, the expert psychiatrists and child psychiatrists who study the victim’s profile base themselves on their past and their history to establish their responsibility. “D“Interviews are carried out, psychological tests are also carried out, to understand the intentions and establish the profile of the murderer” adds Dr. Clerget.

    This is how we establish the personality – in this case perverse and sadistic – of the murderer. “These are people who enjoy harming others and there is a significant risk of recidivism” specifies the specialist. Can we treat them? “It’s difficult because they are resistant to being treated” recognizes Dr. Clerget. “OThey cannot be prescribed neuroleptics which act on perversion or chemical castrationto make their sexual desires disappear, but it’s a treatment that won’t stop them from doing harm in any other way.” he concludes.
