Municipalities prepare for unpaid bills

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Facts: Electricity subsidy

On February 20, the first electricity subsidy for 4.3 million households in southern and central Sweden begins to be paid out.

The subsidy is 79 öre per kilowatt hour for those in electricity area 4 and 50 öre per kWh for those in electricity area 3.

In addition to that, a further electricity subsidy of approximately SEK 10 billion will be paid to households in all electricity areas, for use in November and December 2022.

That support amounts to 90 öre per kilowatt hour in Norrland and 126 öre and 129 öre respectively in the southern parts of the country.

Source: Försäkringskassan, Svenska kraftnät.

In Haparanda, due to the financial situation, the municipality has decided to give the residents the opportunity to postpone their municipal bills if necessary, says financial manager Hans Kenttä.

— Electricity prices have been much higher than normal. In December it was very, very expensive. But here we can not only stare blindly at the electricity prices, but we also have a huge consumption due to the cold. When it’s minus 20 outside, it’s hard to save energy, says Kenttä.

So far, the municipality has not noticed any onslaught of residents who want a reprieve. But according to Hans Kenttä, most people usually wait until the very end before they get in touch.

Waiting with reminders

— I think most people have the stamina to pass the first count, but not the second or third. It is a tough situation, he says.

Further south, in Gnosjö, financial manager Sanna Rickardsson notices that the municipality is receiving more calls from residents who are worried. The municipality already decided a few years ago to be accommodating.

— I would say that compared to many others, we have been generous in these matters. It is better that you are given the option to pay in installments than that we are strict and send it off to debt collection immediately. We always wait a little extra to send reminders, she says.

Gnosjö municipality does not manage the electricity bills, but it concerns things like water and childcare. According to the Kronofogden, many prioritize paying the electricity bill. This means that other municipal invoices may suffer.

Stopped with debt collection

“We want to help the residents and show that we understand that sometimes unforeseen events occur,” says Rickardsson.

A survey that TT has sent out shows that many municipalities, like Gnosjö, have already offered the option of deferring invoices. Most often, it is an individual trial.

For example, Karlskrona has decided not to forward invoices to debt collection at all. The debt stays at the current amount and cannot increase.

Härnösand has discussed before the winter that you now have to be extra generous.

— We have a basic attitude from the municipal perspective that everyone wants to do the right thing for themselves. If a citizen ends up in a situation where it becomes difficult to pay, we try to find solutions. We are reinforcing that principle now, says municipal director Lars Liljedahl.

The same principles apply to the municipal electricity company, which informed about it on its website.

Expects payment

TT: Have you noticed that people have problems paying?

— It has increased in recent months, although we do not have any figures on it. Energy prices have also shot up in the two northern electricity areas, and here it is much colder. The conversation in society is that it is struggling. We hear, see and feel this locally.

In Hässleholm, the municipality has not noticed any difficulties with the payments yet. Hanna Nilsson (SD) is the chairman of the municipal board:

— We expect invoices and claims to the municipality to be paid. We always assume that you will be able to pay. Then this period can be tough, if we notice that there is a lot coming, we have to have a new discussion, she says.
