Municipalities: Castelletti in Brescia first female mayor, former minister Scajola towards confirmation in Imperia

Municipalities Castelletti in Brescia first female mayor former minister Scajola

(Finance) – The new map of the mayors while the scrutiny of the first round of the administrative. There are several administrations that will go to the next 29 and 29 May ballot, a rather hot topic even in the majority where they are pushing for the revision or even the abolition of the second round, which is currently foreseen in municipalities with a population of more than 15,000 inhabitants.

L’final turnout in the elections it stands at 59.03%, continuing the trend of an inexorable collapse of participation in the polls in Italy. In the wake of the past policies, which recorded the lowest figure in republican history (63.9%), also the municipal they are losing ground, albeit in a slightly more contained way. At the end of the two voting days, Sunday and Monday, the total number of voters who went to the polling stations was 59% of those eligible, 2 percentage points less than 61.22% in the past administrative.

Of the 595 municipalities who went to vote between yesterday and today, are 13 capitals. Of these, three seem to point towards a victory for the centre-right, two for the centre-left (Brescia and Teramo) and one for the civic Claudius Scajola in Imperia. Seven are instead the capitals that are moving towards the second round. Only to Siena the centre-left is ahead.

The former minister and outgoing mayor, Claudio Scajola, is in fact heading towards reconfirmation as mayor of the Ligurian municipality. After 14 sections out of 44 scrutinized Scajola is at 62.27% of consensus while his direct rival, Ivan Bracco the policeman who investigated him six times, a member of the centre-left, follows at 22.21%.

Historical result instead a Brescia Where Laura Castelletti she is the first female mayor in the city’s history. In the evening, with just over 50% of the sections scrutinized, the centre-left candidate presented herself in front of the Loggia, the seat of the city council, to kick off the celebrations. “This result is the result of the good governance of these ten years. It is a thrill to be the first female mayor of Brescia, it is a satisfaction to have won in the first round. The city has given a clear indication of the way forward”, declared Castelletti , for ten years the deputy mayor of the city. Castelletti is well above 50%, followed by the centre-right candidate, Fabio Rolfi, which stops just above 40%.
