Ontario Municipalities are responding to us President Donald Trump’s Threats

With Canadians Across the Country Embracing An “Elbows Up” Ethos of National Pride Amid A Trade War That President Donald Trump has been intended to undermine canada’s sovereignty, Ontario’s Municipal Leaders Are also Showing Their Support.
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While Supportive of the Intent, One Area Expert is Questioning, Though, Just How Effective These Municipal Efforts Might Be.
“It’s very good that municipalities are trying to take some action and respond to the concerns of citizens. It’s important to also recognize what is rhetoric versus what can be,” Said Howard Ramos, a Western University Professor who Specializes in Political Sociology.
Earlier this month, The City of Stratford and its Economic Arm, Investstratford, Parted with the Town of St. Marys and Perth County to Create the Stratford Perth Tariff Task Force to Create an Advocacy Group and Resource Hub for Local Busines that Provide recent updates, Insights and Tariff-Related Government supports.
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“The Introduction of New Tariffs has the potential to impact Stratford Residents and Businesses Alike, Making It More Important That We Come Together As A Region to Stay Informed and Prepared,” Stratford Mayor Martin Ritsma Said in a release at the time.
While the United States has implemeted a 25 per hundred tariff on all goods gobs of the border, exception Those that fall under the 2020 canada-united stats-mexico acting, trump is threating additional reciprocal tariff that will go into effect on April 2. Trump Administration’s Tariffs, Currently has its own tariffs on $ 30-Billion Worth of Goods that come from our Southern Neighbours.
Elsewher in Ontario, The City of Toronto Launched Its “Buy Local, Buy Canadian” Campaign Last Month, which included a review of its procure police. That City is now set to consider its responsibility to trump’s tariffs during three days of this week.
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“The City of Toronto is ready to partner with Other Levels of Government to Protect Jobs, Stabilize Our Economy and Support Our Communities through the Tough Times Ahead,” Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow Said in a press Conference Making the Announce.
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In its agenda for its worldly night meeting, Stratford Council Received 10 Separate Letters on Resolutions from Ontario Municipalitites that outlined that are being adopted to the trade war.
While Some of these resolutions contained action items, such as northern ontario’s east ferris examining a temporary purchasing policy and the orangeville-area township of amaranth directing staff to “prohibit procurement of us goods and services where possible,” Every letter also urged action from the Senior Levels of Government, Such as Removing Inter-Provincial Trade Barriers Or Support for Retaliatory Tariffs.
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This included in Feb. 10 Letter from the Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus, Which express support for Canada’s Responsible and Asked the Provincial and Federal Governments to “Take Any and All Measures to Protect the Interests of Ontario in Any Upcoming Trade Negotiations, and Ensure Municipalitiies are part of the co-order Team Canada Approach.
Although municipalities tend not to focus on international from, it not uncommon for municipalities to make statements or purchasing practices in relation to national interest, ramos said. He noted this is similar to some municipal authorities to the covid-19 pandemic and the black lives matter movement of 2020.
However, while these statements of support may not seem performative to mayors and council, their news impact can be very limited, he added.
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“I always say that, for any municipality, the most impact they can have is in terms of procurement (while) the least impact they have is in terms of the grandiose statements that come with it,” ramos said.
Ramos also note it is easy to change procurement police in the short term but hard to predict what might be happening five or 10 years from now.
“We can take assume that that is going to change with a new administration. Norms May change over the next oven years, but we also can assume that we have a lot of that we can do Alone, eITher, so that’s the unique situation that canada is in.”
Most Canadians have not experienced a similar rally-arrond-the-flag movement for some some time, ramos added.
“You can look to the 2010 Olympics. You can look at the 1995 Quebec Referendum. You can look to the 1970s it, really, you have to go as far back as probably the second worl in terms of rallying the flag with the allies, or Even Farther Back when we actual Neighbours, ”He Said.