Municipal employee? That’s how you increase your pension by 3,800 a month

Municipal employee Thats how you increase your pension by 3800

At the end of May, the government decided to set the target retirement age for 2030 at 67 years.

The fact that we live and are healthy longer is of course positive, but it does not come without challenges for the earned pension. For many, this means that it needs to last longer.

– In order to strengthen one’s finances and make the pension sufficient, it is therefore necessary that the working life be extended, said the Minister for the Elderly and Social Insurance Anna Tenje in a press release in connection with the determination.

READ MORE: This is how you increase your pension by SEK 6,600 a month

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TTMer in retirement if you get a job bonus

And the fact is that working after retirement age, and becoming a so-called “job bonaire”, can be very profitable for the pension.

News24 has previously written about a survey from Länsförsäkringar that compared how incomes in three professions are affected by choosing to become a job holder instead of retiring.

READ MORE: Continue working or retire? This is how a few extra working years affect your wallet

Profitable to become a job holder: “Highly influential”

In Skandia’s report “Working life – about combining work with retirement” you can read more about the advantages of working after retirement age.

– A few extra years on the labor market greatly affect the financial security in the fall of age, says Matthias Munterpension economist at Skandia, to The Express.

The higher pension payments are achieved through several interacting factors, including increased basic and employment tax deductions and the fact that the payments are postponed in time and do not have to last as long once they are started.

Do you work in the municipality? This is how you increase your pension

How much you can earn by working a couple of years longer instead of retiring varies depending on whether you work for a municipality or within a privately owned company.

According to Skandia’s report applies to the following:

  • A municipal employee born in 1962 can get SEK 3,800 more in pension each month by working part-time for two years after the target age. If you work part-time for four years, that sum increases to SEK 8,200.
  • A municipal employee born in 1968 can get SEK 4,050 more in pension each month by working part-time for two years after the target age. If you work part-time for four years, that sum increases to SEK 7,350.
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