Municipal election races set in Sarnia-Lambton

Municipal election races set in Sarnia Lambton

Nominations for the Oct. 24 municipal election are locked in, setting the stage for some interesting races throughout the region – and a handful of acclamations.

Here’s a list of who’s running in Sarnia and the other municipalities in Lambton County.

In Sarnia, Mike Bradley is running for another term as mayor. He’s being challenged by current Coun. Nathan Colquhoun.

Running for Sarnia’s four city-county council seats are all four current city-county councilors – Mike Stark, Margaret Bird, Brian White and Dave Boushy.

Current city councilor Bill Dennis is also nominated to run for a city-county seat, as are former city councilor Andy Bruziewicz, Crissy McRoberts, Al Duffy and Bill Anning.

Running for the city’s four other council seats are current councilors George Vandenberg and Terry Burrell, as well as Briana Reid, Susan Theresa MacFarlane, Mike McCann, Shirley Davidson, Lo-Anne Chan, Brooke Daye, Trevor Pettit, Marie Williams, Marie Timperley, Andrew Stokely, Adam Beck, Georgette Parsons, David Ross Wood, Dylan Stelpstra, Adam Kilner, previous city councilor Anne Marie Gillis, Neil Bowen, Robert Dickieson, John Parker, Sarah Bilagot Armstrong, Michelle Parks, Tammy Mathieson and Kip Cuthbert.

Candidates for three trustee seats with the Lambton Kent District school board are Jack Fletcher, Cole Anderson, David Shortt, Malinda Little, Mayna Greer, Bevin Perdu and Dave Doucette.

Candidates for two trustee seats with the St. Clair Catholic District school board are Jennifer McCann, Linda Ward and Kaitlin McDonald.

Candidates for one seat on the French separate school board are Sylvie C. Barbeau-Chmielewski and Meghan Reale.

Nominated for one seat on the French public school board is David Andre Paradis.

In Point Edward, current Mayor Bev Hand is the only candidate nominated for mayor.

There is a three-candidate race for mayor in St. Clair Township, where current Mayor Steve Arnold decided not to run again. Nominated are Tracy Kingston, Jeff Agar and Chad Shymko.

Steve Miller is the only candidate nominated for deputy mayor.

In Plympton-Wyoming, where long-serving Mayor Lonny Napper isn’t running again, Deputy Mayor Muriel Wright and current councilors Gary Atkinson and Tim Wilkins are vying for the seat.

In Petrolia, Richard Poore and current Mayor Brad Loosley are nominated to run for mayor.

In Warwick Township, current Mayor Jackie Rombouts and former mayor Todd Case are nominated to run for mayor.

In Lambton Shores, where current Mayor Bill Weber isn’t running again, current Deputy Mayor Doug Cook and Marilyn Smith are nominated for mayor.

In Enniskillen, current Mayor Kevin Marriott is the only nominee for council’s top spot.

In Brooke-Alvinston, current Mayor David Ferguson is running again for mayor. Jamie Armstrong is also nominated for the post.

In Dawn-Euphemia, current Mayor Alan Broad is the only nominee for mayor.

In Oil Springs, current Mayor Ian Veen is the only candidate nominated for the job.

Here are the nominees for municipal councilor races across Lambton County.


Running for councilor are current councilors Greg Grimes, Tim Mondoux and Paul Burgess, as well as Arianna Noctor and Lauren Drury.


Nominated for councilor seats in Ward One of the township are Charles Mortley-Wood, Cathy Langis, Pat Brown, Holly Foster, Bill Moran and Michelle Maitland.

Nominated in Ward Two are Bill Myers, Gary Martin, Craig Bezaire and Brad Langstaff.

Nominated to run for trustee with the Lambton Kent District school board are Heather Skolly, Kathryn Shailer and Greg Agar.

Nominated to run for trustee of the St. Clair Catholic District school board is Jann Tooshkenig.


Nominated for councilor are Ross O’Hara, Liz Welsh, Joel Field, Marty Souch, Wade Dieghton, Shalen Hunter, Grant Purdy, Bill Clark, Chad Hyatt, Debra Pitel and Allison Mevis.


Current councilor Netty McEwen is the only candidate for deputy mayor.

Running for the five councilor seats are Bob Woolvett, Mike Vasey, Mike Thompson, Randy Dayman, Kristen Rodrigues, Alex Boughen, John van Klaveren and Conner Weed.

Nominees for trustee with the Lambton Kent District school board are Jane Bryce and Keith Mosher.

Appointed for trustee with the St. Clair Catholic District School Board is Mat Roop.


Nominated to run for councilor are John Couwenberg, Bill Davies, Joe Manning, Colin Mitchell, Wayne Morris, Sharon Plunkett, Jerry Westgate, Mike VanGorp and Todd White.


Running for deputy mayor are Barry Balcom, Terri Lynn Legault and Dan Sageman.

Running for councilor are Tabetha Burley, Jeff Girling, Jeff Wilcox, Dave Marsh, Scott Ferguson, Jim Hansen, Scott McCullough, Ronn E. Dodge, Lorie Scott, Mark Simpson, David Burke, Dave Maguire, Glen Baillie and Gayle Ritter.


Nominated for councilor are Judy Krall, Chad Adam, Maurice Burke, Walter Van Dun and Mary Lynne McCallum.


Nominated to run for four councilor seats are Frank Nemcek, Les Douglas, Vanessa Benoit, Jeannette Douglas, Craig Saunders, Jenny Redick, Gregory Hilliard, Wayne Deans and Don McCabe.


Nominated for councilor are Paul LeBoeuf, Ann Gray, Mark McGuire and Jason Meyer


Nominated for councilor are Larry Wagner, Connie McFadden, Adam Veen and Jordan Newport.


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