Munich Re, Board offers dividing 20 euros and buybacks of 2 billion

Insurance Fwu in liquidation 120 thousand savers to protect

(Finance) – The Board of Management of Munich ReGerman reinsurance giant, intends to propose to the annual general assembly a dividend of 20.00 euros Action for the financial year 2024 (Consensus: 16.49 euros). The Supervisory Board will have to decide on the planning of the dividends of the Board of Management once the final company data will be available for 2024. The payment of dividends is subject to the resolution of the annual general assembly.

In addition, the Board of Management has approved buy their own shares For a maximum value of 2 billion euros (excluding accessory expenses) in the period from 30 April 2025 until the annual general assembly of 29 April 2026 at the latest. The regained actions will be withdrawn. The program for the reconciliation of actions is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.

(Photo: by Rawpixel on UNSPLASH)
