Munch arrives in Rome: over 100 masterpieces on display to give voice to the artist’s inner urlo

Munch arrives in Rome over 100 masterpieces on display to

(Finance) – After the great success of Milan, “Munch. The inner cry “reaches Rome: from 11 February the famous works of the artist Edward Munch, known to most for the scream, are hosted At Palazzo Bonaparte. Beyond 100 masterpiecesexceptionally lent by the Museum Oslo and very difficult to see, among which they appear the death of Marant (1907), starry night (1922–1924), the girls on the bridge (1927), melancholy (1900–1901), dance on the beach ( 1904) and one of the lithographic versions of the Urlo (1895).

Munch’s exhibition is produced and organized by Arthemisia. Edited by Patricia G. Bermanone of the greatest scholars in the artist world. Main partner of the exhibition is Third Pilastro Foundation – Internationalwith poem.

“I take this opportunity to associate myself with the complacency and honor that today, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and the Queen, his majesty Sonia of Norway, visit this exhibition, sealing our work”, commented the professor Alessandra TacconePresident of the third pillar – International Foundation, adding “a special thanks I must necessarily do it to Generalowner of the palace that hosts us, in this wonderful location “.

“An extraordinary exhibition of this Norwegian artist known to the world for his famous canvas ‘L’Irlo’, – he recalled – an artist who passes like the emblem of torments, existential anxieties, an artist who, in the last phase of the His life, as you will see in the last rooms, fortunately also had moments and feelings of joy, of serenity “.

Professor Taccone then wanted to reserve a special thanks to Iole Siena, president of Arthemisia, and to Professor Emmanuele Emanuele “For having traced a road that I honor to continue today”.

An extraordinary retrospective, which tells the entire artistic path of Munchfrom his beginnings to the latest works, in an attempt to give expression to the tormented essence of the human condition. This exhibition revolves around the artist’s inner cry, to his knowing how to build, through uniform color blocks and discordant perspectives, the scenario to share his emotional and sensory experiences.

“Munch’s exhibition is an extraordinary opportunity for this city. It shows that, as you know, it has already had a first stop in Milan, a
Palazzo Reale, where it has been observed by the whole world, for the incredible success of the public it has met and the media success. Has established a new record of visitors to the city of Milan and this honors us, “he underlined Iole Sienaconcluding “we are going to inaugurate the Rome exhibition comforted by L success in Milan”.
