Mumps vaccine (MMR): name, age, mandatory?

Mumps vaccine MMR name age mandatory

Mumps is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that is transmitted through droplets of saliva. Its vaccine (called MMR because combined with that of measles and rubella) is compulsory.

The mumps vaccine is combined with vaccines against rubella and measles (MMR vaccine). It is made from live attenuated viruses and has been mandatory since 2018. Vaccination against mumps helps protect against this disease, which can cause hearing loss in children. explains Dr. Patrick Aubé, general practitioner. You should know that to date, there is no no cure for this disease. If this disease is rather benign in children, it can cause real problems in adults. It is particularly likely to cause inflammation of the testicles in men, resulting in infertility.

What is the name of the vaccine for mumps?

It is Priorix® And MM-RVaxpro®.

What are the side effects of the mumps vaccine?

Vaccination against mumps is well tolerated. It can cause some mild reactions such as inflammation at the injection site or body aches. According Public health Franceone in ten children reacts with fever, sometimes with red patches on the skin that may look like measles and begin five to twelve days after the injection. A reaction at the site of the bite is possible but rare.” If the fever is very high, it can cause a febrile convulsion: it is therefore important to monitor the temperature.

A fever greater than or equal to 39°C occurs in 5 to 10% of vaccinees between the 5th and 12th day after vaccination and lasts from one to two days.

A rash occurs in about 5% of vaccinated people, also between the 5th and 12th day, and lasts from one to three days.

Is it a compulsory vaccine?

Yes since January 1, 2018, vaccination against mumps is mandatory for infants born from January 1, 2018 with one dose at 12 months of age and one dose between 16 and 18 months. “The vaccine should not be done in case of allergy, immune disorders or pregnancy. In addition, pregnancy should be avoided in the month following vaccination”, warns Dr. Aubé.

At what age should the mumps vaccine be taken?

► Infants and children:

  • 1 dose at 12 months of age.
  • 1 dose between 16 and 18 months.

► People born after 1980 and over 12 months old:

  • 2 doses with a minimum period of one month between the 2 doses.
  • Within a community, a third dose may be required in adolescents or adults.

Please note: blood donation is not not possible for four weeks after mumps vaccination.

When to recall the mumps vaccine?

There are no scheduled recalls. However, in the presence of clusters in a community, a 3rd dose may be necessary in adolescents or adults.

How effective is the mumps vaccine?

Before the introduction of the vaccine in France, hundreds of thousands of cases of mumps were recorded each year in children. Currently, the disease has practically disappeared in children, the effectiveness of vaccination after 2 doses being close to 100%. However, there are a few occasional cases in France in young adults vaccinated in childhood. In this case, the disease is practically always benign and the complications exceptional.

What are the contraindications of the mumps vaccine?

The vaccine should not be used in case of:

  • allergy to the active substances, to any of the other components of the vaccine, or to trace residues;
  • illness or medication that weakens the immune system
  • pregnancy (moreover, pregnancy must be avoided in the month following vaccination).
  • in acute illness with fever.

History, date: who invented the mumps vaccine?

It was Maurice Hilleman, an American microbiologist specializing in the study of vaccines, who discovered the one against mumps.

What is the price of the mumps vaccine? Is it reimbursed?

Priorix® or MM-RVaxpro®: 13.91 euros. These vaccines are covered at 100% by health insurance for children from 1 to 17 years old, and at 65% from 18 years old.

Thanks to Dr Patrick Aubé, general practitioner.
