Mum, dad and European Championship 2024

Mum dad and European Championship 2024

Melwin Lycke Holm age – how old is he?

Melvin Lycke Holm was born on October 12, 2004, which means turning 20 in the fall of 2024.

Melwin Lycke Holm height – how tall is he?

It is unclear how long Melwin Lycke Holm is.

Who is Melwin Lycke Holm’s mother?

Melwin Lycke Holm is the son of Anna Lucke as, according to Swedens radio, is a chef and journalist. In 2011, Lycke’s first book “Fixa maten sjal!” came out. and five years later “Fix the party yourself!” was released.

– I have been interested in food for a long time. My grandmother let me join her when she baked and cooked at our house. She was patient and I became curious to learn more about cooking, she has previously told the publisher Vote Media.

Anna Lycke on the left and Stefan Holm in the middle. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

In an interview with The Express in 2022, Melwin shared that he doesn’t appreciate it when people overlook the last name he got from his mother.

– For example, I get annoyed when people just say Melwin Holm. My name is Melwin Lycke Holm, he said then and continued:

– Like when you are going to jump a competition and the announcer says that “Holm” is going to jump now. Then I can think “But there is Lycke Holm in the start list – just read!”. It feels… disrespectful.

Is Stefan Holm the father of Melwin Lycke Holm?

Yes, the former high jumper and Olympic gold medalist Stefan Holm is the father of Melwin Lycke Holm. In an interview with DN the talent has told how it is easy to compare oneself to the father in the context of high jump.

– That stress is always there, but it is what it is.

Melwin Lycke Holm and Stefan Holm. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

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When did Melwin Lycke Holm start high jumping?

Exactly when Melwin Lycke Holm started high jumping is unclear, but on the former high jumper Kajsa Bergqvist website the following is written about the athlete:

“His journey in high jump began at a remarkably young age. Already at the age of 12 in 2017, he cleared 1.87 meters.”

Is Melwin Lycke Holm in the athletics EC 2024?

Yes, Melwin Lycke Holm is making his international championship debut at senior level in connection with the European Athletics Championships 2024, which will take place in the Italian capital Rome between June 7 and 12, which among other The evening paper reported on.

Others who are selected for the EC squad are, for example Moa Granat, Armand Duplantis and Daniel Ståhl.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

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Just weeks before the championship, Stefan Holm was reported to the police for assaulting a student at a school where he worked as a substitute teacher. In Radiosport’s documentary “Melwin’s Hope and Despair: The Message in the Dark” Melwin recounted the incident.

– Dad already said on Tuesday when he came home from school that it had been a row, he didn’t say exactly what had happened. Still, I had the feeling that this is not good. I felt that if the newspapers get wind of something that has happened, it will not be good.

According to Melwin, both he and father Stefan Holm have been affected by the whole thing.

– I guess I’ve tried to stay at home in my areas where I live and haven’t been down town or anything like that. People usually check one but now it’s more than usual.

READ MORE: Stefan Holm reported to the police for assaulting a student: “Fire to”

Does Melwin Lycke Holm have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Whether Melwin Lycke Holm has a girlfriend or boyfriend is unclear. At least he hasn’t gone public with the fact that he has a partner.

Does Melwin Lycke Holm have Instagram?

On Instagram, Melwin Lycke Holm is @melwin.lh
