Multicultural association’s women’s day dinner to raise money for Ukrainian refugees

Multicultural associations womens day dinner to raise money for Ukrainian

The Multicultural Association of Perth Huron is using its annual International Women’s Day dinner this Thursday to raise money for Ukrainian refugees displaced by the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Multicultural Association of Perth Huron is raising money for Ukrainian refugees displaced by the ongoing Russian invasion through its annual International Women’s Day dinner at Revival House Thursday evening.

Association founder and executive director Dr. Gezahgn Wordofa said half of the proceeds from ticket sales will purchase food, supplies and other items required by the estimated 42 Ukrainian refugees expected to arrive in Huron-Perth in the coming days and weeks.

“We are going to celebrate International Women’s Day. This is a special year for supporting women and girls … especially the women and girls affected by Russia’s horrific war,” said Wordofa, reading from a prepared statement. “We have been given a stark reminder that women and girls also suffer from armed conflict. Hundreds of thousands of women and children are currently fleeing the violence.

“Women have had to give birth in bunkers as shells rain down above ground. And even when war ends, they are often left alone to sustain their livelihoods and become the backbone of their communities. That’s why International Women’s Day 2022 is not about celebrating our achievements, it is about protecting these incredibly brave women and ensuring their safety at this harrowing time.”

Thanks to the generosity of locals, as well as people from elsewhere in the province, Wordofa said the multicultural association has helped to secure temporary housing for as many as 26 families or individuals.

“Of course, when these people are coming, we still need financial assistance for food and basic necessities. This is what we’re asking for,” Wordofa said.

With seating for roughly 100 people available, Wordofa said those who attend Thursday’s dinner will also have an opportunity to donate beyond the $40 ticket price. Those who donate will immediately receive a charitable donation tax receipt.

“Having met many refugee friends and families, the Ukrainian crisis really hits home to me,” Revival House owner Rob Wigan said. “I’ve been wondering what can we do to help (and Wordofa) explained to me that the Multicultural Association of Perth Huron is collecting donations for the Ukrainian refugees that will be relocating and resettling in our area in the weeks ahead. The Ukrainian families coming from their war-torn communities are just like us. They need our help.

“Revival House and this community have a great history of pulling together to support, love and help people in need. Organizing a Ukrainian-inspired fundraising dinner felt like the best way to start our support.”

Limited seatings for the Ukrainian-inspired dinner buffet in tables of two, four and six are available between 5 pm and 8 pm March 10. At 6:30 pm, attendees will also have the opportunity to listen to a Ukrainian guest speaker who moved to Canada a few months before the Russian invasion of her country began on Feb. 24. Wordofa said she will provide some context for the military invasion and share what life is like for those still living in the country.

For more information on Thursday’s dinner, search Multicultural Association of Perth Huron Dinner for Ukraine on Facebook. To purchase tickets, visit or contact Revival House at either 519-273-3424 or [email protected]. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required for those attending the dinner.

The multicultural association will continue accepting donations in support of Ukrainian refugees. Visit or call the association’s new emergency hotline number, 1-888-308-6274, for more information.

Follow the Multicultural Association of Perth Huron on Facebook for information on upcoming fundraisers, including its Krispy Kreme Donut fundraiser in support of Ukrainian refugees next week.

[email protected]


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