Mukwege, Fayulu and Matata charge Félix Tshisekedi and his government

supporters of Felix Tshisekedi organize themselves in anticipation of the

Former Prime Minister Augustin Matata, opponent Martin Fayulu and Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege issued a joint statement on Monday, December 26, against Felix Tshisekedi and his government. In this public communication, the three personalities paint a bleak picture of the situation in the DRC.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

The three leaders refuse, they say, to position themselves as witnesses-accomplices of ” the crumbling of the country ” who lives ” the darkest periods of his existence “, according to their report. The three personalities – two of whom are declared candidates for the next presidential election – say they have taken their responsibility in the face of this situation.

Thus, the three signatory personalities have harsh words for Felix Tshisekedi and his government characterized, according to them, by ” corruption, embezzlement of public funds, clientelism, tribalism and nepotism “.

These three officials also denounce “ a glaring lack of leadership and governance from an irresponsible and repressive regime. »

With regard to the defense sector, they reject the government’s policy which favors a ” policy of outsourcing national security to foreign forces “. They say they are against the deployment of troops from the regional force of the East African Community in the eastern part of the DRC and demand the lifting of the state of siege in North Kivu and Ituri. On the Rwandan file, the three men demand the severance of diplomatic relations with Rwanda and the closure of all borders with this country “.

Denis Mukwege, Martin Fayulu and Augustin Matata Ponyo also claim that Felix Tshisekedi wants to stay in power by fraudulent means. Thus, they demand the immediate recomposition of the Ceni and the Constitutional Court. These two institutions, which have a decisive role in validating the results of the elections, are accused of being composed to the taste of the current majority.

The three leaders also demand an end to what they describe as the instrumentalization of justice and tax services against declared candidates or potential presidential candidates like Augustin Matata.

Joint application

Are we moving towards a joint presidential candidacy? The three leaders speak to each other regularly, but it nevertheless took several weeks to arrive at this four-page text. The staffs of Martin Fayulu and Matata Ponyo do not deny that the milestones of a common front are being put in place.

Denis Mukwege does not want to leave room for ambiguity: “ It is not an electoral platform. I am from civil society, I did not declare myself a candidate. However, I note that there are abnormal situations with regard to the institutions of the Republic “, did he declare.

For his part, Matata Ponyo prefers to speak, for the moment, of a common fight.

Those close to Martin Fayulu share the same opinion, stating that today is first and foremost a battle for the transparency of the process. The three leaders appeal to the international community for the urgent dispatch of experts from the United Nations, the European Union and the African Union to monitor the process as it has been carried out to date.

Read also: DRC: supporters of Félix Tshisekedi organize themselves in anticipation of the 2023 presidential election
