MSF warns of a cholera epidemic and the lack of means to deal with it

MSF warns of a cholera epidemic and the lack of

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is sounding the alarm about the escalation of the cholera epidemic, particularly in areas occupied by war displaced people around the city from Goma.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

An increase in cases of cholera has been observed in treatment structures. In DRCarmed conflicts in recent months have exacerbated the situation, forcing thousands of people to seek refuge in conditions that are far from ideal, thus increasing the risk of this deadly disease spreading around Goma.

Not enough latrines

The answer humanitarian current situation does not meet the growing needs for drinking water, hygiene and sanitation. In some camps, there are not enough latrines or they are completely saturated and access to showers and drinking water remains very limited. Faced with this crisis, MSF has implemented a series of urgent measures.

Specialized treatment units have been established, such as in the Buhimba and Kanyaruchinia health areas, where more than 525 patients have been treated over the past five weeks.

The supply of drinking water is a priority »

Contacted by RFI, Jimmy Matumona, MSF deputy head of mission, specifies that this is not enough: “ MSF is calling for a major mobilization of humanitarian actors and authorities, given the scale of the needs. The construction of showers, latrines and the supply of drinking water is a priority. »

L’NGO also insists on efficient deployment in the area: “ We also call on the different actors not only to focus on a single axis. We note a disengagement of humanitarian actors in Kanyaruchinia, in the northern part of Goma. »

In 2023, more than 52,400 cases of cholera and 462 deaths were recorded in the DRC, placing this epidemic among the largest in the world.

Read alsoDRC: in Goma, welcome humanitarian aid to fight cholera
