M’s party secretary tips how the donor can give anonymously

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Today, Kalla facts can reveal how the Moderates’ party secretary Gunnar Strömmer
tips on how half a million kroner can be used in the election campaign without it being
publicly. It is the second person in the Moderate Party who has given advice to Kalla fakta’s contributors
about how a large donation can be given without it becoming public.

In the conversation where Kalla fakta’s contributor requests anonymity, a total of three tips are given by the party secretary. The one tip is to give together with other businessmen to finance a call center. Then the identity becomes known, but not as obvious. The second is to give a smaller amount that is below the limit of SEK 24,150, preferably together with friends, where the identity of the donors does not become public. The third is to give support indirectly, to opinion leaders who favor the Moderates.

– There is an opportunity to give, to participate and part-finance with 350,000
perhaps, to a business not connected to us in that way, but which
still does a great deal of good for us, says Gunnar Strömmer to the donor.

“It was my fault”

When Kalla fakta confronts the party secretary with what he has said to the donor, Gunnar Strömmer develops what he means, and why indirect support does not need to be made public.

– Yes, but it is like this, there are a lot of opinion leaders etc. who are moving in the direction of a change of government, but who have nothing to do with the Moderates. We do not need to report contributions that do not go to the Moderates.

But how appropriate is it that you, as party secretary, still put the donor in contact with a project that benefits the Moderates, as you put it yourself?

– I think so. The conclusion we have drawn is that we do not, we must be very clear about, and explain which rules apply when it comes to giving to political parties. But we should not give any advice on how people should give. That is a conclusion we have drawn.

You mean it was wrong to talk to the donor this way?

– I think it was wrong to talk to the donor in this way.

Also by you?

– Also by me.

In the player above: See the hidden conversation with Gunnar Strömmer and hear the party secretary’s explanation of why he tipped off the donor

Here you can see the entire Cold Facts program about the parties’ secret money
