Catherine Teilhet, retired from the Paris Town Hall, has made some surprising discoveries while combing through the statistical publications of health authorities in the USA (VAERS), Europe (EMA) and France (ANSM). According to a rigorous examination of official figures, the following have disappeared: 2,827 cases of deafness, 2,282 cases of blindness, 14,969 cases of myocarditis, 11,424 cases of pericarditis, 7,079 cases of thrombosis, 7,295 cases of embolism, 10,566 cases of amenorrhea, 11,541 cases of dysmenorrhea, 4,241 cases of death, and so on. She tells the story, with supporting evidence.
Peregrinations in the land of pharmacovigilance data…
By Catherine Teilhet
In another life, I was a programmer in the IT department of the Mairie de Paris (Paris City Hall) for almost 35 years… Trained “on the job”, validated by an internal exam, retired in May 2022. Curiosity coupled with professional deformation , the Covid crisis tickled my neuron:
- Well, no quarantine, just containment, perhaps to contaminate the whole family?
- And then, the masks, too strong, it was a masquerade, and long live etymology!
- Perhaps the authorities have launched a nationwide test to check the quality of our sense of humor? We have to give ourselves permission to go out and buy a baguette or take our 4-legged furry friends for a walk.
- Do viruses have superior intelligence? They’re even capable of adapting their attacks to our positions at the café: standing or sitting, I’m amazed!
- Finally, we have to believe and obey the directives that impose on us, in the event of Covid symptoms, confinement without medical accompaniment, just with a small box of Doliprane. Strange, I have found no study that attests that Doliprane + absence of care cured Covid better than the antibiotics usually given to avoid bacterial superinfections… And yet, randomized double-blind studies are required when renowned epidemiologists and scientists propose anti-Covid therapy, so why is no justification required when it comes to asserting that abandoning the patient to his or her fate is the best therapy? A nasty thought occurs to me: is this related to the much-decried pension reform – fewer pensioners, so less to pay out? Catherine, you’re getting cynical!
Hunting for figures
In short, I’ve been on the hunt for information from ANSM, DREES, INSEE, EMA, VAERS… Today, I’d like to present my research based on the pharmacovigilance files produced each week by the EMA (European Medicines Agency) and my work tool, PostGreSQL, a relational database manager.
The EMA offers us an “ORACLE BI interactive dashboards” interface, Business Intelligence that produces attractive reports and dashboards, in short, information that can be used by our decision-makers…. But I didn’t start my investigations until the summer of 2021, so I was a real idiot to have started so late.
As of August 2021, the adverse reaction data already showed almost 15,000 deaths, all vaccines, ages and sexes combined. I concentrated on these deaths and, as time went by, I realized that I was losing some along the way… What’s more, the files generated were randomly truncated, as shown in the screenshot below, 249,900 records maximumbut no message, no alert informs the user of this truncation.
In November 2021, I decide to store the data generated by the EMA locally, so that I can retain and trace the information.
I notify the EMA of the disappearance of deaths and the error in the exportable volume, and their response is that the database is alive, subject to corrections, that data is sometimes deleted and recreated under another identifier… Computer specialists will appreciate this particular concept of data integrity… Or not.
As for capacity exceeding, Excel is to blame. I don’t use Excel, but CSV files (XML files also display the error), and frankly, the message is clear: the problem is linked to data generation, not retrieval: “Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records. ResultRowLimit(table) OR CubeMaxRecords(Pivot/Chart) needs to be reset in the config file. Please check with your administrator.
In addition to this problem of a volume limited to 249,000 recordsthere are random selection criteria that are not taken into account… For example, on November 18, 2023, for Pfizer and its serious AEs (adverse reactions), after two consecutive exports in CSV format for the same criteria, I obtain two files with different contents, Cf. the screenshot below taken using KDiff3, a file comparison tool.

In a teasing mood, I wanted to wait until the beginning of 2024 to draw up a comparative report between the EMA data generated at the beginning of January 2024 and the concatenation of the data I’ve kept since November 2021… This without forgetting that I probably only stored half of the data made available by starting too late and not importing the files produced by the EMA every week, far from it!
Zoom in on an extract presenting this comparative report by pathologies following Covid injections, broken down by type of declarant, whether a healthcare professional or not:

The result is confounding: how can you imagine so many corrections, made by whom, when, why and on what basis?
The following have disappeared: 2,827 cases of deafness, 2,282 cases of blindness, 14,969 cases of myocarditis, 11,424 cases of pericarditis, 7,079 cases of thrombosis, 7,295 cases of embolism, 10,566 cases of amenorrhea, 11,541 cases of dysmenorrhea, 4,241 cases of death, and so on.
Can we imagine patients, their families and healthcare professionals wasting their time entering nonsense on pharmacovigilance ADR reporting forms, just like that, to relieve boredom?