Mr B: What? Should one be ashamed of being robbed now as well?

Mr B What Should one be ashamed of being robbed

So, I do not understand what is wrong with robbing a little. They are already robbing a lot in the USA, so how can a small cash-in-transit robbery in Bandhagen or Orminge play a role? And it’s not like I’m planning to shoot anyone, at least not on purpose, it will be more like a dangerous shot in that case and I can not be expected to keep track of where all the lead lands. Besides, it’s so wonderful with money. And it’s actually my turn to really treat myself.

But now you obviously can’t do that either. I’m so tired of all the fuss about theft and robbery. It’s something that makes me, as a robber, feel mentally ill.

And it’s the same show with unprovoked violence! Apparently “very, very awful”. Do you understand what that kind of blue-eyed moralism does to us beating fans !? I mean, soon you’re not even allowed to file the bitch up without having to turn red in the face.

The time, the mores. O fucking guardian society.

But you really know, dear readers and satire detectors, that I am not a robbery and violence law in the first place, but a kåsör. And in this professional role – in this cold! – it is not enough to walk around and be a little annoyed (anyone can do that), you are also expected to share your irritations with thousands. So, go ahead: For several years I have been bothered by words like fly comb and meat comb, without being able to put my finger on why. But now I have a theory.

The discussion has mostly been about whether shame works, but that is not the point of disruption for me. I’m sure it does. You have no idea how seldom I would cut myself otherwise, or how disgustingly cozy clothes I would walk around in.

No, I do not think it has anything to do with shame at all. You can compare it with other things that affect the well-being of fellow human beings: most people probably think it’s reasonable to feel a little value-transport robbery shame, or snatch sweets from kids-shame or even squeeze themselves into sex-shame? The contempt for “flying shame” (and such) is thus only about whether one acknowledges that flying (and such) is bad. Quite common, old-fashioned climate denial, ba.

For the very principle, to experience a measure of social discomfort in the face of things that hurt others, is most proof that you live in a civilization? But what do I know? I wake up shocked by the congestion chaos at the airports every day. I mean, if God wanted us to fly, he would have given us more efficient queuing systems.

Read more? Please?

Former Mr. B-kåseriet: The Model Inflation (feat. Matkoma and Umberto Eco)

Mr. B-classic: Having a dog is like being a teenager – without being young (2019)
