MPS, new composition of internal council committees

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(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Sienafollowing the resignation of Marco Giorgino, has appointed new members of the Risk and Sustainability Committee he was born in Remuneration Committee, the following independent directors: for the Risk and Sustainability Committee, Laura Martiniello, who at the same time ceases to be a member of the Remuneration Committee; and for the Remuneration Committee Paola De Martini and Lucia Foti Belligambi.

The Risk and Sustainability Committee has appointed as its President – replacing Marco Giorgino – Alessandra Giuseppina Barzaghi, an independent director who was already a member of the same Committee.

Investigation activities aimed at evaluating theintegration of the Board of Directorswe read in a note.
