(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has the transfer was completed of 188,975,176 ordinary shares Banca Monte dei Paschi di Sienaequal to 15% of the share capitalthrough an Accelerated Book Building (ABB) reserved for Italian and foreign institutional investors.
“Given the demand received, equal to more than double the initial amount, and the presence of a 5% premium compared to today’s market closing price, the offer was increased from 7% to 15% of the share capital”, reads a Treasury note.
The price per share was equal to 5.792 euros (against 5.516 euros at today’s closing), for a countervalue total equal to approximately 1.1 billion euros.
Following the operation, the participation held by the MEF in MPS will fall from 26.7% to11.7% approximately of the share capital.
With this further sale of shares on the market, the overall value collected by the MEF thanks to the three operations of sales carried out starting from November 2023 amounts to approximately 2.7 billion eurosagainst an amount of the MPS capital increase subscribed in November 2022 of approximately 1.6 billion euros, is highlighted.