MP wants to see majority government

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The Green Party left the government last autumn, when it became clear that the Center Party would, on the one hand, release Magdalena Andersson as Prime Minister but, on the other hand, abstain in the budget vote with the consequence that M, SD and KD’s budget alternatives won.

But after the election, the Green Party wants to try again with the Social Democrats. Preferably in a majority government where the Center Party and the Left Party are also included.

– I believe that the government base should also be involved in shaping government policy. Everything else makes it difficult to demand responsibility and difficult to see who is behind various proposals, which leads to reduced clarity in politics, says Per Bolund.

Common in Finland

Politically broad governments are very common in Finland.

– In Finland, you can even come to different conclusions in the government and still ensure that the country can be governed, says Bolund.

The Center Party has so far said that they do not want anything to do with the Left Party, especially not sit in the same government or negotiate a budget. But Per Bolund does not think it is impossible.

– We have seen this in all our neighboring countries and which I do not see has led to any negative effects, but it is based on all parties being prepared to take the responsibility required to sit in a government and to find a common agenda, says Bolund.

Earlier, the MP said that they only support a government they themselves are part of, but that principle was waived already last autumn, when they released Magdalena Andersson’s one-party government.

Green folk home

– What we say is very clear is that the Green Party in every situation will ensure that we have the greatest possible impact on green politics, it is our responsibility. And our experience is that you get the biggest impact for green politics if you are part of the government, he says.

This weekend, the Green Party has an election prelude in Karlstad with representatives from all over the country. Concrete proposals for the election will be presented, but Bolund does not want to highlight the forgiveness in advance.

– We will go to the polls to build a new green people’s home. For us, it actually means standing up for the climate and the environment, taking the crisis we are in as seriously as it deserves. But also to strengthen welfare and do what is necessary for us to have an equal society, says Bolund.

The big questions of fate

The question then is why the Green Party, despite the climate commitment, not least among young people, and the recurring alarm reports, has not succeeded in capturing that opinion. The party has now been under the four percent barrier for a long time and risks leaving the Riksdag.

– It is the big thing for us to do until the election. We have gone through the most difficult pandemic we have had since the Spanish flu, it has filled up the political agenda. Just weeks after the pandemic was released, we ended up in a major war in Europe, which also took up a great deal of oxygen in the political debate.

– It is difficult to say that the public debate right now is about the areas that we see as the great future challenges, the great questions of destiny for humanity. But we know that the climate crisis will not take a break, says Per Bolund.
