MP wants to raise the child allowance

MP wants to raise the child allowance



full screen The Green Party’s economic policy spokesperson Janine Alm Ericson. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

The Green Party wants to invest roughly 11 billion more than the government in its spring budget motion.

The money goes, among other things, to care, school, child support and to an electric car subsidy.

In the motion, the MP proposes seven billion kroner more for healthcare and 1.5 billion kroner more for schools this year, in addition to what the government proposed.

– We see how the cuts continue and the care queues grow and both patients and staff are in despair, says economic policy spokesperson Janine Alm Ericson.

In order to support households in difficult financial times, an increased child allowance of SEK 3.1 billion or SEK 220 per child is proposed.

– We see that the cost crisis has hit hard, mainly against families with children, says Janine Alm Ericson.

The Green Party also wants to expand its proposal for support for rural residents who want to lease electric cars. Now the support will also cover new and used electric cars that cost less than SEK 500,000. The support is estimated to cost the state treasury SEK 750 million.

The party says no to the government’s proposal to support airport baggage and security handling with one billion kroner. Instead, they want to invest that money in railway maintenance.

MP wants to finance the investments, among other things, by borrowing more money from the government, raising the aviation tax and introducing a bank tax.
