Moving: how to choose the right energy contract?

Moving how to choose the right energy contract

The termination of the energy contract is one of the steps that must be taken during a move. It is then necessary to put an end to the one attached to his former accommodation. The termination procedure will be more or less different depending on the energy supplier. However, this is an opportunity to save money by re-evaluating the offers on the market.

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A move is always accompanied by a set of administrative procedures for the old or new accommodation. Among them, we note the termination of the energy contract and then the subscription of another contract for the new home. These procedures are mandatory in order to be able to access the energy in the second house. They must be made a few days before departure.

However, this approach can give customers the opportunity to reduce their energy costs. The 2010 Standard law allows, thanks to the opening of the French electricity market, the free choice of energy supplier for consumers. Several parameters must be analyzed to find the right energy supplier and benefit from the expected savings.

Why must the energy contract be terminated during a move?

The steps to follow for the move and the energy contract sometimes raise questions among French consumers. Some wonder if it is possible to transfer it from one accommodation to another.

In reality, the termination of the energy contract for the old house is mandatory. It is even one of the steps to be taken as a priority as soon as the move is confirmed. And this for two reasons :

  • If it is not terminated, the contract will remain active and the supplier will continue to invoice the customer attached to it. The latter therefore risks paying for the future occupants if the accommodation is then inhabited;
  • Without the termination, the household also risks not being able to benefit from electricity and gas in their new home. In question, the first contract which remains in force with the supplier.

For these two reasons, the termination of the electricity-gas contract is an essential step. It is advisable to take the steps no later than 15 days before departure. This ensures that electricity and gas will be available when moving in.

The steps to follow to terminate an energy contract

The procedure is almost identical whether it is a gas removal Where moving electricity for all energy suppliers. The consumer generally has three options, he can:

  • terminate their contract online by logging into their Customer Area on the supplier’s website;
  • call customer service;
  • send a termination letter.

The following information will be required to finalize the process:

  • customer reference number;
  • the Point of Delivery (PDL) for electricity;
  • the metering point (PDC) for gas;
  • the desired date for the end of the contract.

Before leaving the accommodation, the customer must also send the meter reading to the energy supplier one day before leaving.

The electricity or gas contract is attached to a single and unique address. Also, it is necessary to terminate it as soon as there is a change of address. No obligation is imposed on consumers as to the choice of supplier. They can opt for the same supplier or turn to a competitor.

Why change provider after moving house?

The customer can take advantage of this move to reassess the offers available on the market and make great savings on their contract. It is possible that some energy suppliers have implemented a different service or new prices. Changing supplier thus gives access to more interesting offers since the revision of prices is rather common.

Some providers may thus be more expensive, while others display more advantageous rates. Comparing the different offers for his next accommodation gives the customer the opportunity to subscribe to a more affordable and favorable offer.

The quality of the energy supplied will be identical. Indeed, supply and distribution are provided by the same service providers: Enedis for electricity and GRDF for gas. Consumers thus have access to the same energy, regardless of the supplier chosen.

The termination of the contract during a move can also be an opportunity to try green energy. Produced from a renewable energy source, it also limits the environmental impact.

Choosing the right electricity and gas contract

Several elements will be taken into consideration to make the right choice of electricity and gas contract.

Historical supplier or alternative supplier

Incumbent suppliers apply regulated tariffs, defined by the public authorities. Alternative suppliers, for their part, offer prices indexed to those of these operators. They may be higher or lower depending on company policies.

Compare rates

Online electricity and gas comparators will be of great help in choosing an energy contract. They make it easy to identify the most interesting offers. Two elements will be studied to compare the prices:

  • the price of the subscription;
  • that of the kilowatt hour.

Assess the quality of service

The service offered is a decisive criterion in the choice of an energy supplier. To evaluate it, customers can consult the reviews left online. Equally important is the scope of the offers offered. Some suppliers, for example, have online contracts that are easier to manage.

Determine your needs

Energy contracts are drawn up on the basis of the characteristics of the dwelling and the resulting needs. When changing residence, these may change. It is important to define them to choose the right new contract. Online simulators allow you to conduct this assessment yourself.

Taking out a new energy contract after moving house

Termination and subscription must be done at the same time. It is indeed necessary to count the time of commissioning in the new housing which can take several days. Subscription will be done online or by phone depending on the provider. Like termination, this process is free. On the other hand, the commissioning of the meter will be chargeable. The service is provided by the network manager, Enedis or GRDF. The price is the same, regardless of the supplier.

For customers who wish to stay with the same supplier, it is simply necessary to inform them of the move. It will then be necessary to send him:

  • the address of the new accommodation;
  • the date of moving in;
  • the first meter reading;
  • billing information (customer details, bank account details if direct debit);
  • the name of the former occupant if known.

In this case, it is also useful to communicate the characteristics of the accommodation to the service provider. This information will help her assess the household’s energy needs. The supplier will then be able to steer him towards offers that are suited to him.

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