Mountain schools: ok to incentives for teachers and institutes, Anief asks for indemnity of a thousand euros

Anief Day against violence against women education and respect to

(Finance) – La Fifth Budget Commission approved a Basic text of the bill Dedicated to the recognition and promotion of the mountain areas: today the specialized press announces it, specifying that “among the measures envisaged some specifically concern the school sector, with the aim of encouraging the presence of institutes and teachers in these areas. Within 90 days from ‘approval of the law, a decree of the Prime Minister will define the criteria necessary to obtain the recognition of the mountain school. plexus located in a municipality recognized as mountain “.

The approved project provides that “the schools that fall within the definition of mountain school will benefit from a derogation from the minimum number of pupils per class, thus facilitating the maintenance of the training offer also in areas with a low housing density. The bill It provides incentives for teachers who work in mountain schools: an additional score in the provincial rankings for substitutes and in competitions for the role, if it has been served for at least 180 days; an additional additional score for those who have taught in multiples;

It is also expected that “the school staff who choose to buy or rent a home in a common seat of a mountain school” can “take advantage of a tax credit equal to 60% of the rental or mortgage costs, up to a maximum of 2,500 euros per year. maximum roof of 3,500 euros per year “.

Since the examination of the provision is not yet completely defined and the fifth commission will return to meet on Tuesday 25 February, the Anief union takes this opportunity to relaunch his requests on the school theme assemblystarting from that of having 1,000 euros per year to school staff who serve in disadvantaged territories.

Of these themes, the young union also spoke of it during the national online assembly: “We are increasingly convinced – said the President Anief Marcello Pacifico – that the service in mountain schools involves difficulties, sacrifices and additional expenses Not indifferent: it is time to assign to teaching staff a headquarters, as a disadvantaged territorial location, and by extension also to the ATA staff who perceive among the lowest salaries of the PA, less than 25 thousand euros gross per year, precisely to compensate The surplus of commitment, time and economic required of them “.

Finally, the union, always waiting to know the details, which in line to generate it is useful to also assign an additional score in the provincial substitute rankings in favor of those teachers, role or precarious, who have actually served in schools located in the municipalities of the internal and mountain areas of all levels and degrees for at least one hundred and eighty days during the school year, of which at least one hundred and twenty for teaching activities.
