motorists hit by a shortage of diesel

motorists hit by a shortage of diesel

The price of super and diesel increased by 5% on January 31 in Congo-Brazzaville. But now, it is even difficult to find diesel in service stations, which disrupts economic activity. This shortage is officially explained by the revision of the production units of the only refinery in the country. In the meantime, consumers are asked to be patient.

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

The sun is about to set over Brazzaville. In front of a service station in the city center, the line of cars stretches for several tens of meters. Drivers, including buses and minibuses, some of whom have arrived on the scene since dawn, are still waiting to be served.

This is the battle. It’s fuel war. I’ve been looking for fuel for almost four days. It is very difficult, in this case, to make a recipe. I am the father of two children, it does not feel good when I go four days without working. We’ve actually been struggling to find fuel for at least a week they complain.

Consequences of this shortage: the bus stops are crowded. Pupils and civil servants find it very difficult to return home after class or work. On the roads, some transport agencies have had to cancel or postpone trips.

For lack of diesel at the pump, motorists will get their supplies from clandestine sellers, commonly called “Gaddafis”. They are playing speculation. ” I buy a 25-litre container for 17,000 CFA francs instead of 12,500 CFA francs. The can of 12,000 CFA francs, we were given it at 22,000 CFA francs because of the shortage “, they testify.

At stations where the precious liquid appears, attendants also demand tips before serving.
