Motor TPL, end of discounts and inflation push premiums up: in Lazio + 8.6%

Motor TPL end of discounts and inflation push premiums up

(Finance) – In July 2022, to insure a four-wheel vehicle in Lazio, an average of € 458.91 was required, i.e. 8.6% more than at the beginning of the year. The increase in average premiums recorded from January to July in the region is the fourth highest in Italy, after Puglia (+ 9.4%), Liguria (+ 9.1%) and Marche (8.9%). This is what emerges from theanalysis of a sample of over 1,600,000 estimates and related quotations made in Lazio and collected by over the past year.

“During the first half of the year – he explains Andrea Ghizzoni, Insurance managing director of – the trend in motor liability insurance premiums has not been constant, but the upward trend has already begun in April which, according to forecasts, should continue in the coming months. It should be considered not only that many of the discounts put in place by the companies during the pandemic are running out, but also that the costs of claims are rising due to inflation “.

The provincial trend – If we compare the average TPL auto rate in July with that in January, it emerges that the increase was recorded, albeit to a different extent, throughout Lazio. Leading the ranking of the most consistent increases – he notes the Observatory of – is the province of Rome, an area where last month the average values ​​increased by 9.2% compared to January 2022, reaching 463.09 euros, followed by Rieti (+ 8.1%, 450.92 euros). Continuing to scroll through the Lazio ranking are positioned Latina, which in July recorded an increase in the average premium of 5.3%, which rose to 491.30 euros, and Viterbo (+ 5%, 373.56 euros). Frosinone closes the ranking, an area that recorded an increase of 3.6% (387.94 euros). In absolute values, in July 2022, Latina was the most expensive province in the region, Viterbo the cheapest.

Ancillary guarantees – Looking at the ancillary guarantees chosen by Lazio motorists during the signing phase, it emerges that, among those who entered one, the most requested was roadside assistance, chosen by 39.6% of drivers. Although at a great distance, the additional coverage most requested by Lazio motorists is followed by the driver accident guarantee (22.3%) and legal protection (16.2%).

(Photo: © Sittipong Leetangwattana / 123RF)
