MotoGP : “Aprilia must make a worthy offer to Aleix”

MotoGP Aprilia must make a worthy offer to

Le Mans has been a weekend in which the representatives of various drivers had a lot to say. In ACE During the French GP we interviewed Joan Mir’s (Paco Sánchez), Pol Espargaró’s (Homer Bosch) and now it’s Aleix Espargaró’s turn, whose continuity in Aprilia is up in the air for financial reasons. he explains it Albert Valera, the one who was the representative of Jorge Lorenzo and who is also the representative of Jorge Martín and Pedro Acosta.

-How do you explain that Aleix and Aprilia have not yet agreed on the renewal with the season that both parties are doing?

-One reason is that the whole market is going slower this year and both drivers and teams take more time. It is being done as in the old days, waiting for the races to pass to make decisions. And on the other hand, Aprilia did not expect the level that Aleix is ​​showing this year and this has led us to try to improve the contract, something that Aprilia did not have into consideration for next year’s budgets. It is taking a while for Aprilia to know how to adjust the budget to be able to present an offer worthy of the level that Aleix is ​​showing.

-It is clear therefore that it is an economic issue, right?

-Yes Yes. It is an economic nuance. If Il Captino really is Aleix Espargaró, as they say, they must prove it in the contract as well.

– Are the positions very far?

-We have made a great effort because, today, what Aleix Espargaró is doing is worth much more in the market than what we are asking for. We understand the current economic situation and also that of Aprilia, with which we have already made a great effort, but if he is the Aprilia captain, he must already put forward a proposal worthy of him.

-They want to improve something…

-The improvement is very small and I take it as a drop in salary because, if we take into account the increase in performance that Aleix has had and the very small increase they offer us, I would say that what they offer is a drop in salary .

Do you think they will agree?

-I believe, because I am always very positive, that we will come to an agreement and that in Aprilia they will understand that if they stay with any other rider that may come, and hopefully Maverick will also continue, they risk spending a difficult blank year for them .

-What other options does Aleix have if he doesn’t come to an agreement with Aprilia? He has threatened to go home.

-Thank God, we have businesses in Andorra that are going very well for us and he really likes the bike, with which he is very happy and has 20,000 offers to ride classics in the world of cycling. Why not consider if you don’t feel one hundred percent the true captain, loved in the team and without feeling comfortable with the proposal, stay at home, do classic races in the world of cycling and be a test pilot in a factory if there would be nothing else.

-Do you see a gap somewhere else for him as an official driver?

-I’m not going to lie to you, because I don’t like to sell smoke, and there isn’t. Today it is very difficult. Obviously, for Aleix it would be very difficult to go to a Honda, because his brother is there, and the rest of the factories we already know are closed. Quartararo is going to sign with Yamaha and Ducati is closed, because an official place between Bastianini and Martín is being played internally, and KTM has a queue of riders and we do not contemplate moving there either. It would be very difficult to find a factory site outside of Aprilia for Aleix.

-We will talk about Martin another day. Good luck and congratulations on another podium finish.

-Thank you very much.
