Mother and daughter locked in a restaurant in Åmål – a man is being hunted

A woman and her daughter have been locked up in a restaurant in Åmål.
They managed to escape through a back door late last night – after being sexually assaulted.
– It is being investigated as unlawful deprivation of liberty, sexual harassment and molestation, says Caroline Karlsson at the police.

The police were called to Åmål on Tuesday evening.

– It is a mother in her 40s and her daughter in her early teens who have been locked up, by a man, in a restaurant. They were sexually harassed there and were called different things, says Caroline Karlsson, press spokesperson at the police in the West region.

The perpetrator is said to have kept the woman and the girl in the building. It is not known how long they were locked up when they were able to escape shortly before 11 p.m.

– They have been cut by this but managed to get out through a back door at this pub, says Caroline Karlsson.

No arrests

A large operation started and continued last night after the perpetrator, who according to the police is unknown. No one could be arrested, but the police have received possible leads for a suspect.

– There must be a witness. There is a person singled out as a possible suspect for this, which is labeled as unlawful deprivation of liberty, sexual harassment and molestation.

On Wednesday afternoon, the police had switched to internal reconnaissance.

– Investigation is ongoing, interrogations are held and various investigation measures. We will not comment further, says Lisa Engström, the police’s on-call investigation manager.
