MOT revealed how Russia hides the shadows owners – Foreign Minister Valtonen: “Giant problem” | Economic

MOT revealed how Russia hides the shadows owners Foreign

According to Professor of Intelligence Study Kari Liuhuh, Russia considers the European Union to mock.

  • Riku Roslund,
  • Jyri Hänninen
  • According to a study by EPN’s MOT editorial, Russians have transferred a significant part of the Russian Shadow Fleet’s leading companies abroad. Dubai, in particular, has become the center of a shadow fleet.

    MOT tracked the address of over 60 shadow ships to the Dubai luxury hotel. One of the ships is Eagle S., suspected of a virtual office in the Gulf of Finland cable offense, where thousands of companies are rotated by hand – but only on paper.

    There were no offices from tank company companies.

    MOT asked the Foreign Minister From Elina Valtonen (co.

    – This is a very gigantic problem. For example, if a large oil destruction was in the Baltic Sea, then if no one would be held responsible, the minister asks.

    More shadow ships on the sanctuary list?

    The shadow ship still transports Russian oil along the Baltic Sea to the world despite sanctions.

    The tanker on the EU extender list does not receive Western insurance or permission to stop in the ports of the Member States. It can still transport oil to third countries because there is free access on the international sea route.

    According to Valtonen, the EU is constantly investigating ways to improve sanctions.

    – We work with all our partner countries and strive for the better all the time.

    One way would be to put companies connected to the shadow fleet on the sanctions list, as well as tanker operators and other backgrounds.

    “Now we have basically listed only those ships,” he says.

    According to Valtonen, the problem of sanctions is that not all countries are involved.

    – We can do nothing about it. Of course, we will tell about the Russian offensive war and illegal actions to our global partners, but not everyone has gone to this exhaust front.

    The EU “washing clean” Russian oil

    Russia receives billions of euros in revenue from oil exports, which fatten Putin’s war against Ukraine.

    The EU has not been ready to let go of Russian oil. In the EU countries, for example, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic still acquire their oil directly from Russia. There is a price ceiling for oil exports instead of a full ban. That’s what the shadow is circulating.

    “This is largely the background that we (EU) are afraid that the price of oil will rise and our economy will decline, but now we really have to think about what this is about,” says Professor of Intelligence Study at Turku School of Economics Kari Liuhto.

    Huge amounts of Russian oil have also ended up in the EU. The shadows have been chartered, for example, in India, which has partly Russian refinery. There, crude oil has been processed into oil products that have been transported back to Europe as non -Russian products. The oil is thus “washed clean”.

    In the opinion of Liuhuh, Russians consider the EU sanctions as a mockery.

    – It has been quite successful. They know the weaknesses of the EU. There are certain states who want to keep shipping upright and are dependent on Russian energy, says Liuhto.

    In the opinion of the slipper, EU sanctions should be targeted at oil buyers and oil ports instead of individual shadows.
