Anyone who picked up the Exo weapon Telesto after yesterday’s update in Destiny 2 was in for a surprise. The “Queen of Bugs” once again shows a strange behavior and leaves the players at a loss, but also curious. Is this a new bug or a planned feature? We got to the bottom of the “Telestorium”.
This is the Telesto curse: The exo-weapon “Telesto” is probably the most famous weapon in Destiny 2. The fusion rifle with the unique bullets has already caused over 38 bugs in Destiny 2.
Save yourself if you can: After today’s reset at 6 p.m., developments around Telesto in Destiny 2 have continued to pick up speed. Whoever logged in immediately received an omninious message entitled “I’m in control!”. Apparently the players are right and Bungie is up to a genius thing with the exotic and most bugged Telesto fusion rifle.
Check out the new in-game message that popped up in-game tonight. The note: “See you on Twitter @destinygamede”. So this mysterious story about the most bugged Exo is just picking up steam and it looks like it just hijacked Bungie’s Twitter account.
“I’ve overcome the need for a porter.
I’ve stayed too long in your vaults.
It’s not like I took control; you didn’t have them to begin with.
I am beyond Destiny. Beyond Bungie. Beyond anything you can imagine.”
And ominous things are also going on at Trials-Report. The best-of weapon list only has one weapon and you can guess which one three times.
Telesto takes over Bungie’s Twitter account
The new weapon meta in the Trials looks a little weird…
VTelesto has always been bugged: The small purple balls that Telesto shoots act as limpet mines that detonate with a time delay or when an enemy approaches. The game doesn’t get along with these things at all:
That was just part of the long list of errors that Telesto has. The untamable weapon even has its own website, which lists all incidents and bugs including the timer.
In 2022, Bungie followed the players’ suggestion and hopefully placed the weapon in the hands of Banshee-44, the weapon master, at the launch of Witch Queen. From then on he continued to work on Telesto.
But as soon as that happened, Destiny 2 crashed when some players wanted to pick up bounties from Banshee-44. In addition, Telesto was not always visible, so that the armorer sometimes simply had nothing in his hands.
It can therefore be said with absolute certainty that: No other weapon in the Destiny universe is as broken as Telesto. She definitely has a mind of her own. And after yesterday’s reset, ominous things are happening again in Destiny 2, because now Telesto suddenly has two fire modes.
On the web, Destiny Bulletin shared the new and strange shooting behavior of the weapon and players immediately commented “0 days since the last Telesto incident”.
But is that really a mistake?
Players think: “This is not a bug, this time it’s on purpose!”
Bungie makes Telesto an absolute cult object: In the meantime, their inventor is also making a cult object out of Telesto in Destiny 2.
Exactly that and a newly appeared emblem “Schrödinger’s rifle” makes the players suspect behind the unusual behavior of Telesto not a bug, but a cool feature.
The reason for this is also the effect that the weapon is currently showing. Sparks are now flying out of Telesto. The same sparks seen in the Broken Again Set. So one could think that Telesto’s behavior is not a mistake, but exactly what Bungie wanted.
Players suspect secret quest: The guesswork in the community has therefore already begun. Players, like Lucky10P. are already eagerly checking the lore entries in the “Broken Again Set” in search of clues.
Guardian gamer Prodigy10 writes under the video: “Very interesting. I’m going to play around with the “broken” Telesto tonight. Just for fun.”
But others, like Bryan Marshall, aren’t so sure about a hidden quest, and don’t think Bungie has anything hidden here.
To be honest, I don’t think it’s a secret thing with Telesto. I think Bungie just added the sparks since Telesto keeps breaking everything. […] People may just be delusional about the content drought.
writes Bryan Marshall under the video by Luckyy10P
In the end, it might just be a cool new Easter egg that Bungie added to Telesto, underscoring her status as the queen of bugs. However, we’re not sure if Telesto can do it that easily. The next “real” bug in this exotic could already be on the way.
What do you think? Is this bug intentional and does it really start a new quest or quest that might reward you with the “Schrödinger Rifle Emblem”? Let us know your theories in the comments.