Most common reason why you don’t get the job

Most common reason why you dont get the job

Have you ever wondered why you weren’t selected for the job you applied for? In a new survey carried out by LinkedIn, thousands of employers were asked what the biggest reasons are, it reports CNBC.

According to statistics from Statistics Sweden (SCB) there are currently around 454,000 unemployed in Sweden. And the competition can be fierce. According to the survey, several common mistakes can be decisive.

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Crucial mistake

You may think that there is something big that is preventing you from getting the job – but the reality is often different. One of the most common reasons why employers choose not to hire a person is because the person seems disinterested.

According to the survey, 51 percent of employers are put off by candidates who do not show enough interest or commitment during the interview.

But the most common reason by far is if the person was late, with 53 percent of employers saying this was a direct reason they wouldn’t offer employment.

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Other mistakes matter less

It is not entirely unusual that you choose to do your research about the company you are applying to before the interview. But according to the employers, it is not very important. Only 21 percent of respondents said they were an important reason they would hire an applicant.

The most uninteresting thing for employers is that you send an email after the interview to thank you for the meeting. 16 percent of respondents said it was an important part when choosing a candidate.

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Here are the most common reasons

  • Being late for the interview (53 percent)
  • Using profanity or foul language (52 percent)
  • Seeming uninterested or disengaged (51 percent)
  • Look at the mobile phone during the interview (50 percent)
  • Dress inappropriately (46 percent)
  • Being unprepared to answer basic questions (38 percent)
  • Talk bad about previous employers (32 percent)
  • Not asking any questions about the job or the company (25 percent)
  • Not having researched the company in advance (21 percent)
  • Not sending a thank you after the interview (16 percent)
  • Source: CNBC


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