Mossad’s timing may be the product of a tense Middle East

According to Mossad’s statement on Thursday, the Swedish Rumba and Foxtrot networks and their leaders Rawa Majid and Ismail Abdo cooperate with Iran. According to the Israeli intelligence service, they must be “directly responsible for violent activity and the promotion of terrorism in Sweden and throughout Europe”.

It is not known how long Mossad has known about the connections, but the fact that it is now being communicated to the outside must be seen in the light of the tensions that prevail in the region, according to SVT’s reporter Gilda Hamidi-Nia.

– As Säpo said during today’s press conference, a regional conflict has spilled over into Sweden, she says in Rapport.

Relationships have deteriorated

Since Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital last spring – and Iran retaliated with hundreds of rockets and robots – the countries’ discord has worsened significantly.

At the same time, the relationship between Iran and Sweden is historically bad at the moment.

– Among other things because the life-sentenced Iranian Hamid Noury ​​is imprisoned in Sweden. And then we have many Swedes imprisoned in Iran such as Johan Floderus and Ahmadreza Djalali, says Hamidi-Nia.
